Well, I don't know how to put this, but I'm kind of a big deal. I'm mostly know around these parts as 'Gut', for some blatantly obvious reasons.
I'm in my second year of Digital and Interactive Media Design at Nait, and I'm majoring in Video Production.
Check out my portfolio at www.chrisgut.com
My Videos:
Guns Don't Kill People - Danny Macocia
Guns Don't Kill People - Chris Pronger
Guns Don't Kill People - Emos
Check out PodJihad
I play broomball for the Jr. National Team.
I play handball for Alberta Selects. (Partille Cup in Sweden and the Dronningland Cup in Denmark 2006)
I play rugby for the Clan.
Grant Mac Dodgeball Champs! Undefeated - Galactic Goats.
ESSC Softball Champs 2006.