Valentinodu13 profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Ciao ! Salut ! Hi ! My name is Kevin , I'm came from France , from Mimet , in south of France , not far from Aix-en-Provence ! I was born in Marseille ! I have italians ( from Genoa exactly ) and creols origins ! I'm in Advertising Vocational training certificate's 1st year in Marseille ! I'm a quite openned-mind guy , quite cool , sociable but very quirky and very hard !Je m'appelle Kévin , je viens de Mimet , dans le sud de la France , pas loin d'Aix-en-Provence ! Je suis né à Marseille ! J'ai des origines italiennes ( de Gênes plus exactement ) et créole ( NDLR : ma mère ne s'appelle pas Marie-Thewese ) ! Je suis en CAP Graphisme 1ère année à Marseille ! Je suis assez ouvert d'esprit ( du moins j'espère , lol ), assez cool ( crois , lol ) , sociable ( même si j'ai pas d'amis , lol ) mais très bizarre et très difficile ( c'est pas moi qui dit ça ! )Mi chiamo Kévin , sono di Mimet , nello sud della Francia , non lontano di Aix-in-Provencia ! Sono nato a Marsiglia ! Ho origine italiane ( di Genova esatamente ) e creole ! Sono in Certificato di professionalità di grafismo a Marsiglia ! Sono abbastanza aperto di spirito , abbastanza cool , sociabile ma molto bizarro e molto difficile !You wanna have your own photomontage specially for you , send me a message and tell me what do you want in your photomontage !Vous voulez avoir votre propre photomontage specialement pour vous , envoyez-moi un message et dites-moi ce que voulez dans votre montage !Vuoi avere il tuo proprio fotomontaggio solo per tu , invi un messaggio e dice che vuoi nel fotomontaggio !
La malchance Italienne
envoyé par flo34mtp

My Interests

Soccer : ALLEZ L'OM !! FORZA SAMPDORIA !! FORZA MILAN !! and FORZA ITALIA !! Cars : I like supercars like Ferrari , Lamborghini , Porsche... and americans muscle cars like Ford Mustang ( MkI and MkV ) , Dodge Challenger... I enjoy Formula 1 ( I'm for Ferrari ) and Nascar !

I'd like to meet:

"; I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

A girl who is cool , who have beautiful curves , quite exotic , who like the party and who are not too shy , not jealous and who cares of herself !Une fille qui est cool , qui a de belles formes , assez exotique , qui aime faire la fête , pas trop timide , pas jalouse et qui soit un peu plus côquette que moi !Una raggazza chi é tranquillo , con bellisime forme , abbastanza esotica , chi piace fare la festa , non troppo timido , non troppo gelosa e un po più grazioza da me !


I like House , Electro , Italo Dance , Reggaeotn , Reggae , Ragga Dancehall , Rap , R&B and Hip Hop !


Fast and Furious 1 , 2 and 3 , Batman Begins , XXX , Pulp Fiction , Scarface , 300 , Rocky !Your results:
You are The Flash The Flash 75% Green Lantern 75% Robin 57% Superman 55% Hulk 55% Batman 50% Supergirl 50% Iron Man 50% Wonder Woman 45% Catwoman 45% Spider-Man 40% Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test


La methode Cauet , Sponge Bob Squarepants , Turbo , Auto-Moto !


I hate books !