my name is liz pollock im 16
and i go to HP.GO RAMS:):)
sports are a major part in my life.. i live for SOOCER♥.other then soccer i play just about every other sport.I MEAN EVERYTHING!..beside sports my life is all about my fam and friends. i luv all my girls BRITT♥.krystal.em.heather.danielle.shim.tori.jade.
leah..and obvi u cant forget the boys- dill.brad.ty.
.n8...my personality had everything in it, mostly funny though..im a big GOOF BALL. im not smart or stupid im in the middle.lol. i luv to hang wit all the BIG BOYZ(u all kno who u are) i like to dress up once and a while but my style is casual and comfy all the [email protected]
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