WELCOME TO MYSPACE PEOPLE.....I AM A NICE, OUTGOING, FREE-SPIRITED, OPEN-MINDED PERSON BUT DON'T GET IT TWISTED CUZ I CAN GO FROM MS JAZZY TO BITCH N 3.0 SECONDS........Our love 2011I love you more than life it self you made me.............Your wife an gave me this lovely life......................Our love exchanged hearts right from the start.............Before we knew our love knew we were born to be together...An we've ingraved ourself in a life that's intwined........By heartach an heartbreak an we've had a...................Remarkable life together an i'm amazed by our life.........An proud 2 be your wife an with each year it gets..........Better an i'm gone love you 4ever!!!!!!!!!!!
sex survey!!!
when did you lose you virginity? a long time ago
how old were you? 15
where were you? davie
who was it? ju ju
are you still with that person? whe still cool
on a scale of 1 to 10
how was you most recent sexual experience? 5
how did he/she look? ok
position? every
place? beach
time? 1 am
setting? raining
fast or slow? both
soft or rough? both
lights on or off? off
oral or penetration? both
safe or raw? depends on the person
clothes all off or alittle bit? a little bit off
do you
give oral? yeah
like oral? yeah
suck ass? ummm..let me get back at u on that
have anal sex? nawww but i heard it was kinda good
swallow? sometimes
suck toes? no
have one night stands? how can I, when it's so dammmnnnn good.....
go both ways? It's a possibility....
69? yes
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