Soccer, writting, hanging out with friends, relaxing, scary movies, comedians, music, painting, and always a fun party, I love to just veg out, watching t.v., and eatting
a huge pizza! I like to stay in! And hang out with these people:
Daniel! just look at the picture that'll give you an idea of what we do when we hang out.
**Bre** she's my sugar!
Ducky!! She's been my friend sence we we're stupid middle schoolers. She's a true thug! lol.
**Josh** He's amazing he has an awesome mind and a huge heart. He's sp much fun too and we oblviously drink alot.
Travis* I should hang out with this one more but I'm so busy he's got a place in my heart for sure. He touched my life five years ago. I cherish him.
Sara. I've known sara for eight years she's my better half for sure. she was always there when I needed her I love her lick a sis.
Eva and her beautiful baby boy! We work togather and I think she's a doll.
Kayhleigh. we don't hang out that much but when we do we party.
People who are interesting enough to actually handle a conversation!
Jane** She's sweet and here name is jane just short of mary. lol!
JMATT is the coolest guy ever he has great music talent and I hope he remembers me when he's famouse! lol! I'm his groupy.
DAVID is a beautiful soul and he is one of a kind. He has a specail place in my heart.
Drew is so awesome!!!
chris is fun and really hot!
Gangsta' he's been here sence I joined myspace. he's an angel!
Bananna's! He's really cute and such a sweetheart I really want to meet him.
Cait! She just look like fun!
Bobby! he's my southern stallion!
Justin! he's a tottal hottie!
Trouble! lol jk sh's young but full of spunk! watch out she's to much fun!
Rob! well rob is rob he kick ass!
almost everything.... Pink floyd, Led, The Doors, Fleetwood Mac, Tracy Chapmen, I love 80's music, Tool, Matallica, God Smack, Journey, 10 year, trapt, has long as it as a beat!
The wall, Clockwork orange, Freddy, Halloween( The original), flowers in the attic, etc
Becker, House, Nip Tuck, Family Guy, Simpsons, Sienfeild, etc.
anything that sparks my attention! But I do love steven king
My MOTHER and SUPERMAN of course!