**Ciera loves David karr** profile picture

**Ciera loves David karr**

You know what really grinds my gears America? you, FUCK YOU. ***** /div

About Me

***DON'T WAKE ME UP THIS IS A DREAM FALLOW ME TO WHERE THE WORLD ENDS AND THE RAIN WASHES ALL YOUR PAIN, NO MORE HURT JUST YOU AND ME THIS IS HOW IT ALL SHOULD BE, SO PLAESE DON'T WAKE ME****First off my name is CIERA *I love french fries and would kill for a REESES PEICES CUP *My favorite tv show is family guy I want to marry PETER GRIFFIN. *I would rather dance all night in the RAIN then take a shower(metaphoricaly) *I hate BLONDS even though I am a natrual one(never would've guessed right?) *I played soccer for EIGHT years *I love KILLING people on line(yeah I'm adork) *I beleive that PEOPLE have along way to go before we get better. *I hate LIES *I beleive chocolate does make ME happy *The CLOSEST people to me are the ones that can tell you how it is *I love how even though life is hard we can SMILE even for a moment *Smiles are the most ATTRACTIVE thing in the world to me *tears clean my soul *My favorite color is GREEN *My eyes change color *I just want to find the beauty in everything even the DARK *My favorite cereal is LUCKY CHARMS *If I could I would hunt POKEMON I hate them so much *I love nickles CAGE and al PACHINO *I love SNOW for one reason snowbaording *I ussually hang out with friends and that keeps me pretty BUSY haveing fun *CHOCOLATE is my flavor of choice *If I could have one thing off the dollar menu from mcdonalds it would be a HOT-N-SPICEY *CHINEESE food is my favorite food *On a saturday night I wanna be home watching a MOVIE with some popcorn. *I beleive EVERYTHING you do now will effect you later in life makeing you who you will become beautiful huh? ****THE MANY FACES OF CIERA****
..http://a450.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/30/m_3a4e8d0 17a836cc0b47ebb9d04fec509.jpg"

My Interests

Soccer, writting, hanging out with friends, relaxing, scary movies, comedians, music, painting, and always a fun party, I love to just veg out, watching t.v., and eatting a huge pizza! I like to stay in! And hang out with these people:

Daniel! just look at the picture that'll give you an idea of what we do when we hang out.

**Bre** she's my sugar!

Ducky!! She's been my friend sence we we're stupid middle schoolers. She's a true thug! lol.

**Josh** He's amazing he has an awesome mind and a huge heart. He's sp much fun too and we oblviously drink alot.

Travis* I should hang out with this one more but I'm so busy he's got a place in my heart for sure. He touched my life five years ago. I cherish him.

Sara. I've known sara for eight years she's my better half for sure. she was always there when I needed her I love her lick a sis.

Eva and her beautiful baby boy! We work togather and I think she's a doll.

Kayhleigh. we don't hang out that much but when we do we party.

I'd like to meet:

People who are interesting enough to actually handle a conversation!

Jane** She's sweet and here name is jane just short of mary. lol!

JMATT is the coolest guy ever he has great music talent and I hope he remembers me when he's famouse! lol! I'm his groupy.

DAVID is a beautiful soul and he is one of a kind. He has a specail place in my heart.

Drew is so awesome!!!

chris is fun and really hot!

Gangsta' he's been here sence I joined myspace. he's an angel!

Bananna's! He's really cute and such a sweetheart I really want to meet him.

Cait! She just look like fun!

Bobby! he's my southern stallion!

Justin! he's a tottal hottie!

Trouble! lol jk sh's young but full of spunk! watch out she's to much fun!

Rob! well rob is rob he kick ass!


almost everything.... Pink floyd, Led, The Doors, Fleetwood Mac, Tracy Chapmen, I love 80's music, Tool, Matallica, God Smack, Journey, 10 year, trapt, has long as it as a beat!


The wall, Clockwork orange, Freddy, Halloween( The original), flowers in the attic, etc


Becker, House, Nip Tuck, Family Guy, Simpsons, Sienfeild, etc.


anything that sparks my attention! But I do love steven king


My MOTHER and SUPERMAN of course!

My Blog

**Why does black mean GOTH????***

I was just curious what happened to black a simple color that makes everybody assume that if you have anything black you must be GOTH. well I say FUCK you who the fuck are you to stereotype me. I...
Posted by Peter Griffin's whore on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 08:25:00 PST

***This world is the moons playground****

****Silence preys on those who hide in the dark corner of your pocket. secrets unfold in open flames burning from that trash can. The windows shutters swing shut in the face of the black crow. The moo...
Posted by Peter Griffin's whore on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 08:17:00 PST

hopeless romantic

****I hate being hopelessly romantic because I know that it's hard to find a guy my age who is truely romantic or even knows what it means.****************** A guy who's real to you abo...
Posted by Peter Griffin's whore on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 06:07:00 PST

If I could turn back the hands of time

How could I ever watch you walk away, with out words ever being said, how did I ever let you go, Hopeing my feelings don't show, how did I ever lose your kiss, now that's what I miss,  If I could...
Posted by Peter Griffin's whore on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 07:47:00 PST


Frozen moment on a lake A knife has been stolen The death of the snake I know the impossible sea when the dogs bark I am a death bird naughty night bird...
Posted by Peter Griffin's whore on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 01:04:00 PST

showin some skin!

****So yeah maybe my default picture is alittle to sexy but in a classy way I'm not showing any sencored areas you know.........Plus they say you got it flaunt it! And it doesn't matter what other peo...
Posted by Peter Griffin's whore on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 04:25:00 PST

Black Out!

The rain shatters on the roof of my lonley room. We sweep our skelitons under this rug with this black broom. Black out. Vissions of brutality flash red. We lay in the devils bed. Black out. A mother ...
Posted by Peter Griffin's whore on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 08:10:00 PST

Bleeding Black:

****Bleeding Black:**** **A tiny drop of blood drips from the wall, Harsh words written in this tiny bathroom stall, A dark shadow hangs over your head, Your soul wakes from the dead, A lifeless illiu...
Posted by Peter Griffin's whore on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 07:58:00 PST

This Is You Now.

***I beleive that every single choice has lead you to where you are in life. May it be people, places, expierences, or morrals. Maybe getting involved with that one person who just would never underst...
Posted by Peter Griffin's whore on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 07:16:00 PST