Drama, Film, Read, Computer Games, having randon thoughts, sleeping
George W. Bush Jr so I could laugh at him for being the worlds greatest (though deadly) comedian, and the first human to look more like an Ewok then a person.
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On a more serious note (haha never though I'dd type that) I'd quite like to meet Donald Woods, Denzal Washington and Bono.Oh yeah and me cos that would just be crazy and would go something like this. "Hello I'm you." "No I'm you and your me" "No I think you will find that I'm you and you are me." "No no you will find that I'm am right and thus I'm you and you are me." This would go on for sometime until (A) one of us backed down which is highly unlighty cos arguing with a brik wall is fun, or (B) I woke up and relised that the world is much safer with only one me. Although to Me's working together. HMMMMMMM
I'll listen to anyting ecept Hip Hop and most Rap. Other then that I'll give it a go. I'm currently listening to Loads of, Kutless, Pillar, Sanctus Real, Tree63, U2, R.E.M., Barenaked Ladies and Buckcherry. Though as I said I'll listen to anything.
Well my favorite films Cry Freedom. Based on a friendship that develpoped in South Africa during apartheid. The book it was based on was one of the first insights the rest of the world had into the true nature of the situation. Its got one of my favourate actors in it Denzal Washington. I'll watch anything though provided theres no snakes. Though I can't guarentee I'll like it.
I love Scrubs, 24 and although its over Band of Brothers.As with most things I will watch anything with one exception. SOAPs particularly River City. Poorly scripted and the actings worse. Its managed to surpass the funny stage of BAD and gone streight to the "it's even embassesing to watch stage"
I read most things I get my hands on, my favorate books are:Asking for trouble - Donald Woods The Wind singer trilogy - William Nicolson
Donald Woods, is one of my biggest heros, what he did during the South African apartheid was amazing. Also Steve Beeko for the same reason I belive he is one of the biggest unsung heros of that time.Tom Hanks and Denzal Washington are also just cos i think there the best actors alive