...2:33 am. i'm removing some crates from my trunk. the whirring of a ten speed and the banshee-ic screech of its dry-ass pad brakes go from behind me to my left. a woman. i think it was a woman, slowed the pink pipe cleaner ride to a teeter then half dismounted. waving in a gesture reminicent to a wizard casting a spell of verbal impotence she asked me "do u believes in uni-corns?" what else do you say to something like this but"yes". the ancient my little pony she then produced from her pocket had burned hair. im tired of people showing me things in their coats...
Currently...Dilla, justice, Talib, Daft Punk, Kiln, Matthew Dear, JDSY.
Dexter, Six Feet Under (though its been off for nearly two years now, it's still some of the most fantastic television your eyes may ever peep.) HGTV, The Televangelist who offers to send you little packets of miracle water. The europeans did this to native americans hundereds of years ago...and look how that ended up.
Currently....Can't Stop, Won't Stop.
*see films.