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Musician, producer, sound engineer and also drummer. His career in the music field has begun in 1993 as drummer for the punk band The unwelcomes. In 1998 together with Cielle.Audio, Pabl.. and Rastea (Cascio Delay), he gave birth to his first electronic productions and performed in a tour in France- This experience went on until 1999 when he left the band. At the beginning of 2000 he definitively moved to Bologna ;city where he has been active by many points of view. -he worked as sound engineer at the Link inBologna thus being in contact with the most innovative and interesting music trends from all over Europe. -Together with Pabl.. (already his fellow in the Cascio Delay), he founded the electro-dub project called D.B.F( Dipartimento Basse Frequenze) and released the record raises to the top (2001) -In 2001 he was among those who founded PHONOTIC, an electronic label based in Bologna, which operates in the electronic music and culture sectors. -During the winter 2001 the project as soloist St&P has started to be shaped; at first embracing jungle/D&B features. With the time it has also been broadened to new trends taked by the club culture eventhough the funky/breakbeat components still play the most important role in his music. At this time the first meaningful results have been achived: From 2001 to 2003 he has performed in many clubs and events, among which,the Link drum&bass Arena and twice at the street rave parade in Bologna. dates: -Link-Bologna- -Shindy- Bassano del grappa(vi) (Indian night) -Distorsonie2004 (international electronic music festival)-Bologna -ukrumble-London(UK)(Internet radio ) -csa Torchiera Milano - Pavia parco civico (Finale elettrosound con al mukawama) -xm24-Bologna (soqquadro2002-festival artistico) -Blackhole-Milano -ostello La Vespa Domaso(Co)LAKE EXPERIENCE 1e2 -Radio k centrale -Bologna (showcase preserata/intervista) -Radio Fujico Bologna (programma al luned.. sera-LIVESET) -Zion pub -Morbio inferiore TI-(CH) -StreetRaveParade-Bologna(2003/2004) -Livello57-Bologna-IBL Vol3 live showcase ( / -Rocket- Milano - Notte bianca 2005 Milano-Radio Popolare Milano. Release: D.B.F.:Raises to the top (autoprodotto/phonotic) DUB -AA.VV.:Electa-Italian Electronic Music Master (Irma rec./Sony) ELETTRO -AA.VV.:Italian bassline Vol 3 (Afun rec.) DRUM&BASS -St&p:ElectricPills (Musicaoltranza) ELETTROST&P ON QOOB TV!!!!