I love music. Music is very important. I love music that disconnects you from the every day-shit that occupies your head; music that makes me feel floating above reality, music that evokes this certain feeling of peaceful excitement. And music that just immediately puts you into a happy smily mood. And music that just wants to make you rave your brains out. All such tunes are incredibly fulfilling and make life even more worth living.
I like random and crazy shit. Since I am only just discovering my expressive/creative/uncontrolled/dark side, I deeply admire people whose brains seem to release crazy stuff, i.e. make interesting connections between seemingly unrelated things. Such people might be mental but it's awesome.
I like red. Red is cool. It is striking and special and a symbol of sexuality (ever since mankind existed, it was red lips that have driven men crazy - rather than blue lips, right?). Red stands for
Little red riding hood (which was me in a previous life)