I hate filling these out cause no matter what you put, you always end up looking like a twit. Photography, Geeks, games, art, GTA.
www.principiadiscordia.com -
www.penny-arcade.com -
www.thinkgeek.com -
www.normalbobsmith.com -
www.somethingawful.com -
www.albinoblacksheep.com -
www.maddox.xmission.com -
I'd like to meet:
Eris, the Goddess of Chaos!
I used to have a ton listed here for music, but then I tried to add a video to my page and it erased all of them. Bah. Now I'm just too lazy to fill this shit in right now. That's okay, nobody really pays attention unless there's a picture.
May, Bubbuh HoTep, Last Minute, Monty Python (All), Evil Dead Series, Army of Darkness, Silence of the Lambs (and all sequils and prequils), Pi, Michael Moore documentaries, Rock Against Bush DVD's, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol. I & II, CoJo, Thirteen Moons, Kung Pow, A Clockwork Orange, Dead Poets Society, Clerks, Exorcist and Exorcist: The Beginning, A Boxcar Named Desire, The Crow, A Little Princess, Nightmare On Elmstreet (all Freddy Movies), ChildsPlay (all), Hellraiser ((all) and all associated Clive Barker), this list is ever expanding
[adult swim]
cartoon network
comedy central
history channel
animal planet
national geographic channel
Clive Barker, Ann Rice, Cynthia Rylant, Robert Anton Wilson & Robert Shea, Michael Crighton, Franz Kafka, Hardcore Zen by Brad Warner (dude, you changed my perspective),
Your mom, cause you're ugly and she still loves you.