Goodheads in a Wrongland profile picture

Goodheads in a Wrongland

About Me

We met in Rome, in the hall of residence where we lived for few years. In this place we set up a music work room ( mfslab) which has given the possibility to many students to play for free. Many bands had taken place, many projects were born, often around the same people and thanks to disparate cooperation, to our excitement. Step by step some of those projects went also beyond the music ( theatre, video productions, ecc.), and still many concerts have been organized and different possibilities have been created, for every artistic group without distinction of categoryThe project Goodheads in a Wrongland was born in January 2003 and it belongs exactly to that situation . The firsts to start were Daniele ( guitar) and Mirko who, in those days, was deciding to become a drummer . Diego, ( me , the writer) listening to all that was happening, thought to join the band as well, playing the bass and trying to sing. In few rehearsal we made up 4 songs and then we asked the collaboration of Maurizio as guitarist . We arranged again the songs and we composed a new one together. Three months later in only three days to spare we recorded all that was more or less ready . That product was still full of naivety. some doubt. Inside of it there were many musical influences. Whit this mini cd we introduced ourselves to the audience of Rome and that one of the province playing in many live concerts, basically in the social center and squats circuit. In parallel we increased our repertory bringing 13 songs to our credit and the Neil Youngs Words reassessment performed in live. We also made up an alter ego of the band called GA+ AS ( Goodheads acustic and analogic set) Rendering our own songs in the acoustic analogical version ( in order to use a Sinth of the 74th ) At the end of May 2005 we recorded our second self production which contains 5 tracks, the tracks contained in this Cd synthesize the bands tendency shared in different directions , focused either on the popular sonorities or on the contemporaneous ones, with a special care of the arrangements and the mixture of instruments. Our way to compose follows a style more cinematographic than musical, for example as the cut up of images( used in the video editing) the different parts of the songs go on driving the listener in always new and various atmospheres, sensations, so reversing the classical structure strophe, chorus, strophe. For us the live performance is very important, since it is not a simple contact with the audience we look for but also an emotional bond that allows us to give them our best and at the same time to create the conditions for improvisations and reassessment of the songs in real time.

My Interests


Member Since: 08/09/2006
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: Diego:( bass, voice, sinth, guitar) Daniele :( guitar, bass, sinth, voice) Maurizio :( guitar, sinth) Ivan: (drum)
Sounds Like: MyGen Profile Generator
Record Label: a href="

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