i aM_a cHocolaTe adDicT
aNd lovEr of _doTs,
striPes , hEarts, boWs & flowerS _
mP3 plaYer is mY beSt friEnd_
coOkin is mY eneMy_
__nOrmal peoplE _scaRe me
i ♥ hAppyenDingS_
anD haTe cerTain shadeS of __puRple (brRr yUK_)
i cAn't livE withoUt _ SunshiNe
WhAt eLse_wouLd U liKe 2 kNow?__
if life gives u lemon_ make lemonade_
sanTa claUs_
_ legOlas
__ tooTh faiRy _
SaRah _ jessiCa ParkER _