~Ryan Ryu~ profile picture

~Ryan Ryu~

olA SeNIoRiTAs

About Me

Im one crazy vato loco that gets along with just about anyone. I can be out of controll hyper at tymes and very rarely just relax. To me the mado is U ONLY LIVE ONCE so do it. Which that can also get u in trouble at the same time. But i also like pinoka burgers on the weekends and long walks on the beach. I tend to sop it up wit a biscuit @ tymes but those days are mostly over but i still wip that cream. Dinking is my favorite is it yours? I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests


Living Legends,Bob Marley,AFI,Sage Francis,Slug,Murs,Grouch,PSC,ELIGH,ARAtA,JeDi MinD TRIKS , ThRiCe,TypiCAl cats,Aesop Rock ,Guns and Roses,Outcast,Brotha Ali,Sublime,My Chemical Romance...All


Scarface,Boondock saints,The Outsider , Snatch , Clock Work Orange, The Shining , The Usual suspects,Fear and lothing,