* Affectionate, open-hearted and adventurous people that enjoy life and understand the power of the moment.
* People that take responsibility for their lives and don't blame others for their perceived misfortunes.
* People who practice and embrace forgiveness. They know that by allowing forgiveness to open in their heart... a life of peace, compassion, mercy, joy and kindness will transpire. They move forward in life...with ease and freedom from the heavy weight and dis-ease of anger, bitterness, injustice, resentment and thoughts of revenge. Remember, "while you're carrying the grudge, the other person is dancing."
* People who inspire creativity and value co-creation
* People willing and eager to explore new possibilities and experiences, and already have a passport. :-)
* People that can let go of being right and allow not knowing.
* People with a balanced attitude. Those who can openly share their opinions and still entertain the perspectives and opinions of others...even when they are miles apart.
* People who see beyond what appears to be real.
* People who realize they can change the stories of their past.