anyone.. as long as ur kind.. hehe
IncuBus, Rivermaya.E.hEads, TeEtH, BambOO, MayonnaiSE, Urbandub, Sugarfree, w eEzER, GooD Charlotte, DasHbOarD ConfeSsionAL, mY CheMiCal RomanCE, TaKinG BacK SunDay, TypEcast, RaDioHeAd, The KilleRs, The Used, Thrice, ParokYa Ni EdGar, A PerFecT CiRCLe, MatchBox twenTy, The aLL-AmerRiCAn ReJEctS, HoobastanK, YeLLowCarD, SwiTcHFooT, sNowPatrol, ImaGo, PaRaMorE, 311, PuPiL, ReginA SpeKtoR, SiguR rOs.... At marami Pa iBA!!!
StaR WarS (LahAt), The Last SaMurAi, faSt And The FURioUS, 2fasT 2FUrious, FoReSt GumP, HitcH, ShuTter, CoaCH CartEr, BatMan BegiNS, WaR oF THe WorLDS, wEDDiNg CraShers, LoNgesT YarD, CinDeReLLa Man, FouR BroTheRs, DuDe WhEre's My Car?, GoAL, ToKyo DRiFt, LittLEman, FLagS Of Our FathErs, PreStigE, CasiNo RoyaLe, HaPPy FeET, ApoCaLypTO, NighT At ThE MuSeUm, 300, LettErs From Iwo JiMA, StoMp Da YarD, SpidERmAN3, ShreK3, ShooTeR, TranSFoRmErs, DiE HarD 4.0, The SimpSoNs, ThE BouRne ULtiMAtuM.. At MAraMi Pang ibA!!!!!!
MtV, MyX, SoLaR SpoRTS, HbO, StAr MoVIES, JacK Tv