~*Erin*~ profile picture


O - H - I - O <3

About Me

Hey, I'm Erin! I'll be a Junior at Concordia University in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Yeah, its a shitty town but no worries I'm still a HUGE Ohio State fan! O-H... I'm from Cleveland, Ohio and i love it there! I love all Cleveland sports teams, even when we suck sometimes. I'm also a Colts fan! Pey Pey and Marv 4 life! I love to hang out with my amazing friends, roommate, and boyfriend! Tee Hee Hee, it's a nice feeling to be in love! I've finally found him <3! I enjoy going to concerts, playing sports, and being REALLY random and spontaneous!!! It's how i do. I love to chill, party, and watch movies or go out, I'm usually down for anything!

Layout by CoolChaser..

Contact Tables

My Interests

I like to chill and hang out with the AMAZING people God has put into my life!..
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I'd like to meet:

About you and your other half.:

A lot about you!
What is your name? Erin Cristin
How old are you? 20
When is your birthday? Dec., 2nd 1987
Are you looking forward to it? Hellz yes!
Why? I'll be legal to drink, oh god help us!
Are you happy? Very!
What makes you happiest? Oh, there's so many....
Are you afraid of something? Death
Do you live alone, or with someone else? The bestest roomie!
Who? Amanda... DUH!
Do you have any pets? Yea, i have 4 pussys.... HAHA
What is your favorite cartoon? Hmm... Scooby Doo
Have you ever hit a deer? No, thankfully!
Do you drink? Yes, i mean....
Do you prefer beer or liquor? Gosh, depends on who, what, where, and when!
What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Water and Mt. Dew
What kind of cell phone do you have? A Samsung M510... its hot pink, haha. But its broken.
Do you like it? I did, when it worked!
What is the funniest word you ever heard? Shrah, HAHA... just say it, i know you want to!
Do you hate it when people call you "dear"? Lol, not really?
To whom have you sent the most text messages? Adam, obviously
What did you do for new year's eve? Partied with AMAZING people!
were there lots of pictures? Some, but not a lot. Thankfully!
What is your favorite movie? Donnie Darko
What is your favorite song? Ohio is for Lovers
what concerts do you want to see in 2008? Bizzy, Warped Tour and prolly others, lol.
Do you have any tattoos? Not yet!
What is your favorite place to chill out? My bed.
What is your favorite song to play on guitar hero? Lol, I've never played.... is that bad?
Do you work out? When i have to, haha!
Do you wear any jewelry? Yep, earings
What is your favorite memory of the past couple of years? Realizing who NEEDS to be in my life!
What is your goal for the year? To be happy.
What do you think about when you first wake up? Fuck!
Do you shower daily? Yeah, most days.
....alone? LOL, unfortunatly....
Have you ever eaten sushi? No, ew.
Did you like it? NO... EW.
List three things you can't live without: Cell, Blanket, Clothes.
What is your best physical feature? Eyes, it's the only good one.
What is your middle name? Cristin
Do you get choked up during dramatic movies? Lol, some.
What is your biggest pet peeve? Hair on people... lol
have you ever liked someone that all of your friends hate? LOL, yeah i guess so.... didn't know till after!
Is there anything that you regret? Nope, No regerts!
Do you want children? Yes!
How many? Not sure... but i want twins!
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? Yep, fuckin Strongsville....
What is your favorite number? 17
What is your favorite sports team? Oh gosh, i love ALL Cleveland sports and the Colties and OSU!
What is your most over-used phrase? I know, right?!
What do you not say enough? Thank you.
You and your other half:
Did you get over your ex, or are you over him/her? Yeah i'm way over him... and i guess the feelings are mutual, lol.
Are you currently with someone? YES! <3
Do you love him/her? Very much so!
Who said "I love you" first? Hmm.... i probably said it back in the day first, but recently, him i think?
Where? On the phone, cuz i was at school
Would you date your ex again? LMFAO! No.
What is your longest relationship? 10 months... but the one i'm in will be MUCH longer!
What is your most significant relationship? Umm.... idk?!
What is the most romantic thing a significant other can do? Cuddle w/ candels and music!
Do you like pet names? Not really... but i've used them and been called them.
Do you have any? No, lol.
Is there anything that you won't tolerate in a relationship? Lieing/Cheating/Controlling
Do you believe in living together before engagement/marriage? Kinda... idk though.
Where did you meet your significant other? Haha, online.
Have you ever broken up? Well... the first time we dated, that wasn't pretty.
Have you ever had your heart broken? Many times!
Have you ever broken someone's heart? I think so, but oh well
What is your significant other's birthday? Feb., 25th 1984
What is your anniversary? Sept., 14th, 2007
Does this person know you better than anyone else? Well, he knows me just as much as Jess and Amanda do... maybe better for OBVIOUS reasons.
Is this person younger than you? No, thankfully.
Where was your first date? We havn't really been on a date. It's hard when i'm 2 1/2 hours away.
Would you marry this person? Yes, and i plan on it!
Are you happy with your sex life? OH YEAH, haha!
who is "Your" band? Don't have one...
What is "Your" song? Don't have one of those either....
Do you think you'll be together for a long time? Yes, a very long time!
Do you lay in bed and cuddle a lot? Yep, and i love it!
Where was the last place you went together? Georges with Pete and my mom for lunch the day i had to come back to school.
Do you do a lot of surveys? HAHA, sadly.
did you like this one? It was alright....
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com


I listen to pretty much anything... from Country to Rock, to Hip Hop and R & B.


Donnie Darko, Cruel Intentions, Boondock Saints, Super Troopers, Waiting, Harold and Kumar go to White Castle, Grandma's boy, Team America, Euro Trip, Jarhead, Knocked up, The notebook, DodegeBall, Dirty Dancing, Grease, Meet the Fockers... There's more, the list goes on!


CSI: ALL of them, Girls Next Door, Grey's Anatomy, Who's line is it anyway?, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Jackass... Etc.


I hate reading, but most of the books i read in High school were good.


My mommy! She's amazing, after EVERYTHING she's been through and i've put her through... i love her!Adam, the love of my life! I don't know where i'd be without him!Jessica, My BESTESTEST friend.... I am who i am, and do what i do b/c of her!Amanda, My AMAZING roomate who i love to death!Stephen, One down to earth kid who i love a ton! My boxer buddy, I don't see him much, but when i do it's a glorioius time! Katie, Who tells it like it is... haha, i love her!

My Blog

Summer Confessions!

1. Spent the night with the opposite sex? Many a nights spent with the opposite sex, and same sex! 2.Told someone i love you and meant it? Yeah, actaully. I just wish they loved me back. 3. Wanted som...
Posted by ~*Erin*~ on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 09:54:00 PST

69 Qestions to Start of My SWEETNESS SUMMER!

1. Are you in a relationship? hellz no!2. Do you hate more than 3 people? Hmm... Deep HATRED? Probably not...3. How many houses have you lived in? 14. What is your favorite candy bar? Snickers?5. What...
Posted by ~*Erin*~ on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 10:52:00 PST

How old was I when I first...

fell in love- 16had sex- Still a VIRGIN! lost someone close to you- 11drank alcohol - With family? 13 With Friends? 18went to the hospital - 10got your heart broken - 14lost a pet - 10 got arrest...
Posted by ~*Erin*~ on Thu, 11 May 2006 02:10:00 PST

Unforgetable Night...

For the record, i have some of the BEST friends in the entire world! 10 seconds left in the Cav's game, and we're down by like 1... we've been drinking for about an hour and a half, and trying not to ...
Posted by ~*Erin*~ on Sat, 06 May 2006 10:46:00 PST

Top 8!

WRITE Your Top 8 Friends...1) Melissa2) Jessica3) Emily4) Katie5) Hartwell6) Adam (AFA)7) Matt the Server8) LauraWHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU HUGGED 2? Special hugs? lol WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU SAID...
Posted by ~*Erin*~ on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 09:03:00 PST