WELL LETS SEE MY NAME IS CYNTHIA IM 19. I like to have fun(when i can). My parents are strict(just thought i would put it out there for those of you who didnt kno). I have two bestfriends. One of those being my boyfriend. I tell him EVERYTHING. He knows my whole life story. He's alwayz there when I need him. Thru the up&downs he still sticks around even though i can be a bitch to him at times. My second bestest is Marisela(Mari). I've known that chick since I can remember. Shes fukn gangsta.lol. Through out the years that I have known her, not once has she ever talked bout me behind my bak (at least not that I kno of lol). At times we drift apart but some how we got bak n touch. She's not one of those people that says K.I.T and doesnt do it. She one of A KIND. She's a true friend... Ok so I kinda dont kno wat else to talk bout but if u wanna kno anything else.. ask. Thanks.
I got this layout from SnazzySpace.com .