R*I*P*Mr. No Name profile picture

R*I*P*Mr. No Name

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a grouchy old cat who delights in aggrivating my human. Typical acts of terrorism include: nose biting, extreme shedding, licking a single part of his body until the skin turns raw, repeated attempts to trip him, paw-painting with the results of my latest excurision to "the box," blocking his view when he's watching DVD's, resting my head on whatever book he's reading until it collapses, waking him at odd hours, dominating "the box" (especially right before he has guests over), eating anything green and leafy, leaving presents in his laundry pile and lastly, my personal favorite, puking up food and hairballs on the carpet.He calls me "El Bastardo," sometimes "Pinchi Gato," and sometimes simply "Fucker." I can't understand why....I believe that any motion towards the kitchen is an unspoken promise of food. I believe that if I keep wandering back and forth around the house, eventually someone will leave a door to the outside open.Spiders and other bugs are perfectly acceptable snacks. Pickles and Souffle are little yappy ass bitches.My girlfriend, Lucas, is the cat next door. She's kinda a bitch though as she likes to pee on the front door.
You scored as Drunk Cat. Put down the bottle, Cheech. Sign up for some AA classes and drink a glass of water. Bars are ok once in a while, but you shouldn't be sleeping at them.

Pissed at the World Cat


Drunk Cat


Derranged Cat


Ninja Cat


Love Machine Cat


Nerd Cat


Couch Potato Cat

Which Absurd Cat are you?
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who leaves doors open. Halfwits who leave marinating meats unattended. People who love stained carpets. Whoever the fuck decided to not give us opposable thumbs...doesn't that person know we need to be able to open doors???.. width="425" height="350" ..

My Blog

I'm on Probation

So the human put me on something called "Probation." This means no more wet food in the forseeable future. From what I can tell, I took the puking on the carpet act a bit too far this time. My late...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 20:13:00 GMT