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My name is Charlotte. I am a 73 years young lady and I live in North Carolina. I was born on January 8, 1936. Elvis Presley and I have the same birthday. He was one year older than me.I am retired and spend most of my time on the internet, working in my home, taking care of my dog, and taking care of my yard and flowers. I am happy to live in the internet age and Kevin Costner is one of my favorite actors and our most famous Costner. Kevin and I have the same ancestors. Our forefather Adam came to America from Germany in 1747. He left everything he had behind and brought his family to America because of religious persecution. He was determined to find a better place for his family. I admire Kevin because he is a lot like Adam. Kevin knew what he wanted to do with his life and was determined to be an actor.He didn't let anything sway his determination. If Adam had had second thoughts about coming to America, Kevin and I would not be here today. I am proud of Kevin and he is our most famous Costner. I have met Kevin in person on two occasions and attended one of his concerts and watched him play golf. I also attended a party hosted by Kevin after the golf and concert. Kevin is a very sweet person and very easy to talk to. My other special person is country singer Jimmy Wayne who hails from my state and almost in my back door. Jimmy is a wonderful person and a great country singer. Please visit his website. You can find him right here on my space. He has a beautiful song on his website. Jimmy has a special place in my heart. He had a hard time growing up. A very special Costner family brought him into their home and hearts and changed his life forever. Please go out and buy Jimmy's CD's. He is a great singer and he needs your help. He is also a very loving and giving person. He helps the Salvation Army with their Angel Tree each year at Christmas, and gives free concerts to help the under priviledged children.
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Costner performs with his band Modern West prior to the NASCAR Sprint All-Star Race on May 16, 2009 at Lowe's Motor Speedway in Concord, North Carolina.
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