Fresh laundry, food, texting, social drinking, sports betting, boating, vacations, shopping for real estate, traveling, eating with friends and family, new experiences and having fun.
Driven individuals, entrepreneurs, big picture thinkers, people who create ideas and put ideas into action. AND anyone looking to increase their net worth, buy or sell their home, someone looking for a new career or anyone who needs a company to manage investment properties. Our staff combined has over 2 decades of Real Estate experience.
R & B, Rap, Old Skool, Pop, Top 40, Adult Contemporary, Soft Rock, Jazz ...
All The Bourne Movies, The Fugitive, Coming to America, Dumb & Dumber, American Beauty, Menace to Society, Casino and Scarface.
Seinfeld, Simpsons, and anything on the Food Network.
Today Matter's and Thinking for a Change by John Maxwell, Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
My Mom, Dad, Donald Trump, and whoever created ice cream cake.