Chances are, if you are reading this, you know the administrator of this profile (and don't worry if you don't). I review bands that unsolicitedly approach me (or, now too, this profile) with friend requests, and have been since this column was started back in Sept. 2005. Bands are welcome to add this profile as if it were any other. Note that only bands that approach this profile (or my personal one) get reviewed. I don't review bands whose awesomeness has pre-empted me to add on my own, at least not yet anyway.
Bands accepted on this forum will ascend to the Rock Valhalla that is my actual "friends" list, as well as the friends list here. So, your request will be doubly worth it, if you got what it takes. The tastes and preferences in music listed on the administrator's profile are included in their entirety here. Additionally, the process of carrying over the first 28 volumes of the MySpace Music Review column from the administrator's blog (including rebuttals from bands and comments from pals) to their new and permanent home is complete. This profile is still a bit of a work in progress, but there's enough here to get the idea, methinks.
Please note that only friend requests from bands will be accepted to this particular profile. Please do not be offended when i do not add you, the fan. But, you can SUBSCRIBE to the blog (theoretically) by clicking HERE to receive every update. (If that doesn't work, just go to the "subscribe" link in the blog proper). And as always, you are invited to leave your comments on the blog entries, be you band or fan be.
This profile will be checked approximately once per week. Bands are welcome to post flyers for upcoming shows in the "comments" section of the home page.
The Management.
The works on this profile and within its attendant blog are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License . c J. Carstensen III, 2005-2006