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Musical whore. MP3 Library of 15,467 songs as of Fall 2007. No actually, most of those are legally acquired off purchased CDs - iTunes has been a good place to keep me from buying CDs with only one decent track. Eclectic interests include Rock from all time periods and sub-genres, Sinatra, Big Band, Dance Genre, Lounge, Pop, Rap/Hip-Hop, Blues, Jazz, R&B, and yes even some Country/Blue Grass. I have an annoying habit of singing many song lyrics, preferably loudly and drunkenly at inopportune moments.
Sorta well read - lately I've been reading Knowles and Chbobsky, but I get around in the bookstore. Much of it is technical/management drivel unfortunately. Okay, not all of it but a fair portion.
Honest people who can express themselves.