loubags profile picture


You're damn right I am... Huh? Oh, well, nevermind then

About Me

I like to drink, do karaoke, eat shrimp, and judge others prematurely.I think everyone takes themselves too seriously and should have water balloons thrown at them. I firmly believe that making fun of yourself, others, babies, religion, seahorses, people with "outies," proctologists, rich kids, politics, etc. is perfectly fine, as long as it's funny and you're not doing secretly because you felt that you were picked on in grade and/or high school and this is how you can get back at the world. That's just dumb and makes you a big fat jerk.

My Interests

Sports, music, gourmet midget chefs, flip cup, overall shenanigans

I'd like to meet:

Donald Arthur Mattingly, people with undeserved senses of self-righteousness, someone related to Abe Lincoln and someone related to FDR (to see who would win in a wrestling match, you know, for family pride), anyone with a banana boat and/or a moonjump house


Stone Roses to Nas and everything good before and since