Background:Kingston Jamaica, Matches Lane. He is a Marcus Garvey descendant. Born in Costa Rica, Central America. Grew up in Brooklyn New York, Flatbush was home.
Currently he lives in Toronto. His music is Jamaican Dancehall Reggae,Costa Rican Spanish dance hall reggae, Reggaeton, Hip Rap and his own special blend called 'Spanglishtois' a fusion of Spanish, English and jamaican slang patwa.
Fabuloso started livin' da music in 1982 in Costa Rica translating Bob Marley's songs into Spanish. In 1984 he moved to New York and that's when he got funky fresh. In Brooklyn Flatbush they call him 'king fabulous. Translated into Spanish it's 'Rey Fabuloso'.
Thus was born the name: KING FABULOSO
[email protected]....
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