|♥| aracєlч & єbєrtн |♥| profile picture

|♥| aracєlч & єbєrtн |♥|

Crazy inlove with God♥..But you are my bb------>..

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
Your Personality Is
Idealist (NF)
You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.
You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.
You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.
In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.
At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.
With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.
As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.
On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours. The Three Question Personality Test
Graphics & Layouts
You Are Mint Green
Balanced and calm, you have mastered the philosophy of living well.
Your friends seek you out for support, and you are able to bring stability to chaotic situations.
You're very open and cheerful - and you feel like you have a lot of freedom in life.
Your future may hold any number of exciting things, and you're ready for all of them! What Color Green Are You?
Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Score: 88%
Your Intrapersonal Intelligence is Very High
You've spent a lot of time introspecting, and it's really paid off.
You are comfortable with who you are, and you have a life philosophy that you are happy to live by.
And you're always re-evaluating what you believe. Because you learn something new about yourself each day! How Does Your Intrapersonal Intelligence Rate?
You Fight Fair
For you, a fight is not about proving you're right.
Instead, it's about discussing and resolving difficult issues.
You don't look for fights, but you don't avoid them either.
You realize that clearing the air is good, when you go about it the right way. Do You Fight Fair?
All American Kid
Popular but not plastic. Athletic but not a jock. Smart but not a brain.
You were well rounded and well liked in high school. Who Were You In High School?
Your Heart Is Green
Love completes you, but that doesn't mean you seek it out.
When love comes your way, you integrate it peacefully into the rest of you life.
Your flirting style: Laid back
Your lucky first date: Walking around aimlessly and talking
Your dream lover: Is both enthusiastic and calm
What you bring to relationships: Balance What Color Heart Do You Have?
Deep Survey:
Deep Questions
Who are you? Aracely
What keeps you awake at night? listening to music
If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change? every experience in my life has made me stronger so, i dont think i wana change anything.
Are you happy with your life at the moment? yes!
What do you like most about yourself? im really positive and self confidence, ALWAYS MAKE EVERYTHING HAPPY!
Do you ever wish you were someone else? hardly, maybe once a year!
What's the worst thing anyone has ever done to you? cheated
Do you have a dark secret that you have never told anyone? yes
What do you like most about your friends? they trust me and make me happy when im down...they are really GREAT friends......
Have you ever come close to dying? yes, in a car accident w/ my mom and sister
What one thing do you want most in this world? GOD, family, and boyfriend
How do you want to be remembered when you die? always happy and positive about everything and there's nothing that cannot be accomplished.
What do you never take for granted? nothing!
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com

You Are Red

You are the straightforward type. You are passionate and have a strong personality. You are a born leader. What color are you? MySpace Quizzes at PimpSurveys.com
About The One You Love/Like:
About The On You Love/Like
Who do you love/like? Eberth
Do they live close to you? 45 minutes away
How old are they? 22
Where did you meet? love at first sight...at my house
Would you spend the rest of your life together? absolutely
Would you die for them? yes
Would you do any thing for them? all the time
Have you ever cried your self to sleep at night because you long to be with them? many nites
If you could say any thing to them what would it be? "Te amo.....would you marry me?"
Would you run away with that person? never...i dont think that is a very smart decision
Have you ever gotten in trouble for loving that person? no, he's a sweatheart
What do your parents think of them? he's the greatest person that i could be marry to.
Have you ever spent hours on the phone just listening to them breath? yes......
Do you enjoy the sound of there voice? yes..love it
What do you think of there voice? it's like the best sound i have ever heard
Do you want this person to be your first? ofcourse.....i want him to be and he will be.
Have you ever made out wit this person? NO
Do you have nicknames for each other? yes...jajaja
If so what is the name? mi chichi
Why did you give them that name? because he is the most important person in my life.
Do you think they feel the same as you do about cretin things? sometimes
Do you think they will reply or repost? maybe
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com

My Interests

You Should Paint Your Room Blue
Peaceful and soothing, blue rooms have been known to reduce blood pressure.
Your blue room will encourage deep rest and great sleep.
A blue room is the perfect oasis for a stressful life. What Color Should You Paint Your Room?
People Envy Your Generosity
You're a giving soul, and you'd do almost anything for those you love. And they'd do anything for you!
People may envy how giving you are, but more than anything, they envy those you open your heart to. What Do People Envy About You?You know the Bible 85%!

Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!

Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes

You Are Low Rise Jeans
You are both sexy and casual - the type of girl who looks hot without really trying.
You tend to spark imagination, only showing a peek of your skin. What Style of Jeans Are You?
You Give Great Advice
You know what's up when it comes to people and social relationships.
And you're advice is golden, even if your friends don't always take it!
Just make sure that you take your own advice too! Do You Give Good Advice?

Princess Name

Your Princess Name is
melyury the Misunderstood, Princess of Elveskold
Get Your Princess Name at Quizopolis.com

Are You A Cellphone Addict?

Congratulations, according to our experts, you scored :

58% which makes you An Addict

Face it, you are addicted to your cellphone. What did you ever do before cellphones existed? Addmiting your problem is the first step to recovery though.

Are You A Cellphone Addict, find out at Quizopolis.com

I'd like to meet:

How Honest Are You?

Congratulations, according to our experts, you scored :

75% which makes you Mostly Honest

You are mostly honest. You can occasioally stray from the truth but its mostly minor stuff and often for good reasons. Not to worry, too much honestly can be bad for you.

Find out how honest you are at Quizopolis.com


Classic Halter Dress
Classy and sexy, you know how to make a lasting impression without having an outrageous dress. What's Your Prom Style?


Myspace Graphics, Glitter Graphics, Layouts


Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com



ALL ABOUT ME ! by oodangletsbang9
first name::: Melyury
middle name::: Aracely
age::: 18
school::: Peace College
current loccation:::
date or birth::: 09-10
birthday::: September 10th
hair color::: Black
eye color::: Dark Brown
love or money::: Love
kiss or hug::: Kiss
cat or dog::: Dog
pepsi or coke::: Coke
country or rap::: Country
punch or smack::: Smack
aim or aol::: Aim
day or night::: Night
kissed opposite sex::: yes
kissed same sex::: no
hugged someone::: yes
had sex::: ...?
madeout::: no
cussed::: maybe
beaten someone up::: when i was little
got beaten up::: i dont think so^_^
broken someones heart::: yes
anyone broke ur heart::: yes
smoked::: no
drank::: no
skipped skool::: yes
lied to someone::: maybe
song::: You raise me up
tee vee show::: "la vida es una cancion"
color::: pink and sky blue
food::: Baliadas
drink::: Milk
hair style::: Curlie
animal::: Lion
are you dating somone::: yes
do u love them::: not them...him!
whos your best friends::: Jesus
whos the loudest::: Me!
who have u known longest:::
whos the shyest:::
do you like skool::: sometimes
are you random::: yes
favorite screen name::: "Jesus Lil' Princess"
do u hate anyone::: no
hair color::: dont matter
eye color::: brown
height::: taller than me...5'6
cute or hot::: Both
personality or looks::: Personality
shy ::: a little
quiet or talks alot::: in the middle
do u wanna::: go to the movies with me?
how can i ::: make you happy mi cielo?
lets talk about::: our relationship
how are::: ok papi?
how big is::: problem mu??ito?
i am::: so inlove with you mi amor!
can i have::: your heart?
lets try to::: dance together
crazy lil::: pumpkin
watching tee vee:::
what show:::
listening to music:::
are you talking to anyone:::
on the fone:::
you touched:::
told u they loved you:::
told them u loved them:::
u instant messaged:::
talked to on the fone:::
yelled at:::
broke ur heart:::
said they hated you:::
u told u hated:::
have u ever cheated on someone::: Dont know
things u like to do::: draw,
what time did u get up today::: 7:00am
did u go to skool::: yes
what r u listening to right now::: Carrie Underwood- Jesus take the wheel
who r u talking to ::: Solona and Rola
BYE !: papi
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Your Learning Style: Personal and Passionate
You are very flexible and curious about the world. Human understanding is very important to you.
You Should Study:
Art history
Art therapy
Foreign Languages and Literature
International Studies
Teaching What Should You Study?
Which famous movie kiss are you?

Sixteen Candles
You are the Sixteen Candles kiss!
Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by myYearbook.com

My Blog

Ye$ !

Hi...! I know that it sounds weird but guess what? This is the first time in my life that I write a blog...heheheheh. I just wanted to write and spread my happiness with who ever read this blog....
Posted by »-(¯`v´¯)-»EbeRth'S BabY GirL»-(¯`v´¯)-» on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 08:54:00 PST