WATERGATE ! The Nixon Administration profile picture

WATERGATE ! The Nixon Administration

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Remember me ... I'm Richard Nixon ! Most of my colleagues call me " Tricky Dick." I was the 37th President from January 20, 1969 until August 9, 1974. My Presidency was cut short abruptly during my second term due to a few complications - WATERGATE. The " Smoking Gun " taped conversation that, I, as The President, had with Haldeman on June 23, 1972 - directed Haldeman to have the CIA block & stop the FBI investigation into the Watergate break-in matter due to national security concerns - screwed me. God-damn tapes - I should have destroyed these confidential tapes. People didn't understand that I had to win re-election - at any cost - regardless of the campaign tactics. One must understand, winning, regardless of the means, is essential. McCord brought this damn thing into the White House with his damn address book listing his phone number at the W.H. - he later turned against us & started talking. Hunt & McCord didnt contain this matter - even after they were paid off with " hush money. " Colson, Ehrlichman, Haldeman, Mitchell and The President continued to maintain their innocence during 1973 - but few beleived us & our integrity & honesty was deliberately questioned by the liberals in the Congress & the press. To save my own ass, I fired Ehrlichman & Haldeman at Camp David on April 30, 1973. Those faggots at the Washington Post were on a witch-hunting expedition - running around trying desperately to implicate the White House in this Watergate break-in thing. This " Deep Throat " character was secretly revealing false allegations to some Washington Post reporter - trying to implicate the White House to the Watergate matter. Bullshit. I instilled in Dean that this whole matter was simply a " comedy of errors " and that the matter would solve itself and go away - quietly - but he wouldn't obey my orders and remain silent. I told Dean that he had to learn to have some fucking balls & play hardball - by just doing what your told - without any crap. Dean ( that little shit ) started blabbing to the Senate Congressional Committee in the Spring of 1973 about the " White House Horrors " - and about our hush money operation to keep " those involved " silent. Butterfield ( that son-of-a-bitch ) revealed to the Congressional Committee about the existence of the White House taping system on July 14, 1973. The President implemented tough White House strategies that involved hardball tactics & dirty tricks to cover-up this Watergate thing that included stonewalling - the press, the American public & the Congressional Watergate Committee. I made myself perfectly clear that, "I," was " the President." and that I didn't have to tolerate & comply with all of this crap - The President, is always above the law. Hearings were conducted during 1973/1974. The infamous Saturday Night Massacre - October 20, 1973 - I fired that god-damn Ivy League liberal bastard Archibald Cox. Cox was hired to investigate this Watergate business by the then Attorney General Richardson. Richardson resigned when he was told to fire Cox for insubordination - disloyalty & talking too much about Watergate related matters - screwing me & my Administration. Bork did what he was told & carried out my orders and fired Cox. I exercised executive privilege during 1973 & early 1974 - by refusing to release the tapes. The tapes in question were private White House property & records that only,I, as the President, had access & clearance to review. The White House offered " edited transcripts " of these tapes, but that wasn't acceptable for these harrassing on-going investigations - investigations trying to screw me. The bleeding heart liberals on the US Supreme Court ruled against me in May 1974 - I had to release ALL the White House tapes ( blemishes & all ) to Congress - my ass was toast. The long standing tradition of executive privilege was brutally undermined by these liberals - my enemies. The 18 1/2 minute gap in one of the tapes created a big fuss - again, my honesty was unfairly questioned. My faithful secretary Rose Mary Woods accidently erased that portion of the tape in question - Rose Mary always did what she was told - without question. Congress had the balls to initiate Impeachment hearings against me. The House Judiciary Committee chaired by Rodino, voted to Impeach me for obstruction of justice - bullshit. All those liberal bastards were out to screw me & gave me the shaft. Therefore, I was forced to resign the office of President on August 9, 1974.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

WATERGATE boys ... Co-conspirators, Plumbers, Dirty Tricksters, Saboteurs, CREEP ( Committee to Re-elect the President-1972 ), George McGovern, Ed Muskie, Daniel Ellsberg, Sam Ervin, Leon Jaworski, Peter Rodino, John Sirica, - and my good friends ... Carl Bernstein & Bob Woodward ( Washington Post ).My special pal ... Mark Felt "Deep Throat."I had that old faggot - J. Edgar Hoover " The Director " in my back pocket - but he died on me in May 1972.I also enjoy the company & comraderie of the Eastern liberal establishment elites & Ivy League intellectuals including my good friend & associate Archibald Cox. Lastly my good friends, Ben Bradlee & Katherine Graham of The Washington Post. Oops ... I almost forgot - members of the press !

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