To support women in the Massachusetts extreme metal scene. Some of our many goals:
A zine (in print) run entirely by women in the MA metal scene, involving reviews, interviews, tape trading, etc.
Make networking easier between like-minded individuals.
Promote extreme metal bands with female members in the New England area.
Keeping others informed of upcoming events in the area.
Create a scene where the men do not overwhelmingly outnumber the ladies!
If this sounds good to you, join us.
This profile is maintained by Iron and Blood and Samantha
(Profile is under construction)
ATTN: At the moment we need the following so we can get started on some killer projects -
Anyone who wants to write/draw/or otherwise contribute awesome shit for the first issue of our zine.
Sponsors so we can get it printed.
Anyone willing to promote the fuck out of our zine/other stuff/this website
Motivated individuals willing to help in any way possible.
While you're here, please check out and add Mass Mayhem Concerts, run by very good friends of ours: