What's happening, guys?
Lots of crazy new "stuff" going on! First and foremost, I have joined up with the Hollow Glow as their new, full-time, bassist. In addition to rockin' your low end, I'll be doing a ton of harmonies, and attempting to bring some general awesomeness to the project. For those of you that don't know, the Hollow Glow is made up of guitarist/vocalist/songwriter Ben Carroll and drummer Andy Ryan, both of Ra. This is really an amazing new band, dark and melodic, but with enough of the rock edge to satisfy even the most discriminating hard rock fans. We're still looking for a keyboard player (who can double on guitar) that can sing harmonies as well...if this is you, or if you know someone who is up for the gig, don't hesitate to get in touch!
Also, in my spare time, I started up www.beejsguitartricks.blogspot.com, a blog site intended to share some of my insight about guitar, bass, teaching, and just trying to "do the music thing" in general. Truth is, I've been so busy lately that I've barely had time to update it, but keep checking in, I will do my best.
Finally, I'm still teaching both bass and guitar, so if you're looking to take your playing to a new level, I don't have a lot of spots open, but I'd be glad to try to fit you in.
Hope to hear from all of you soon!