Make your own Countdown Clocks
My name is Saralyn... I live in wonderful Polk County hah and I have one of the best gifts anyone could ever give me... My daughter Nyah. She is the most amazing part of my life. I had alot of un~useful information about myself here but I decided to change it because if you know me, you'd already know all about me and if you don't then well you don't really need to know shit about me. I have been lucky enough to find some pretty amazing friends and I'm thankful for all of the people in my life. My life is complicated and at times it seems really hard to be me, but thank you to everyone who has made me the strong un~breakable person I am... Most of all a big thank you to all the haters!!!! If you feel you may need to know something you don't, just ask... I'm open and down to earth, but there are a few things I can't handle... Liars, Cheaters, and Back Stabbers if you think you may fall into this category, please stay away from me I've had my heart hurt enough... Well that about sums it up!