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The REAL Camilo Cienfuegos

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"Camilo Cienfuegos was handsome, charismatic, and in the eyes of many, actually outshone Fidel Castro at early Revolutionary rallies, often stealing the limelight with his ready smile and humor. "Simpatico," is the term Cubans use for Camilo Cienfuegos' personality. Castro seemed to recognize this and actually turned to Camilo one day on the podium during a rally, 'Voy bien, Camilo?' Fidel asked. Such deference was -to say the least- not a Castro trademark.
Camilo had flown to Camaguey from Havana for the hateful task of arresting his friend and ally Huber Matos. The two had often discussed, with growing alarm, what they saw as the Communist usurpation of the Cuban Revolution. Once in Camaguey, Camilo had a violent row with Raul Castro, whom he'd always loathed. They were on the verge of fisticuffs and drawn pistols when finally separated.
On the flight back to Havana after he dutifully arrested Matos, Camilo Cienfuegos disappeared without a trace. His plane crashed and vanished, said the authorities, though the evening had excellent weather according to all records. The Castro brothers made a big show of a search and rescue but nothing turned up. To many, including Huber Matos, Camilo's death seemed much too convenient. To this day Matos -along with most Cuban exiles- blame Fidel and Raul for Camilo's death.
Cienfuegos was too obviously their competitor for leadership. Interestingly, two of Camilo's loyal lieutenants died in 'accidents' within days of their commander's disappearance. The head of Camaguey's small airport, from where Camilo had taken off, was also suspicious and was starting to ask questions about the rescue effort. Two weeks after Camilo's disappearance, he was found with a bullet through his head. His death was ruled a 'suicide.'
Camilo Cienfuegos was far from the last Fidelista Comandante to run afoul of Fidel's megalomania."
Cuando el avión de Camilo despegó de Camagüey, con su piloto el capitán Fariñas, la escolta personal de él "Coyote", Morejón y otros, fueron desalmados y enviados sin juicio por los próximos 19 años a Isla de Pinos, La Cabaña, Sandino etc.
La búsqueda fué de lado contrario donde despegó el avión, así que nadie pudo encontrar nada, después de la bomba que le plantaron dentro.
Cap. "Coyote"no recuerdo bién el apellido pués esa era el nombre de guerra que le conociamos murió recientemente aqui en Miami, con Diabetis e insuficiencia Renal. qpd.
Espero que la información sirva pa dar mas luz a la desaparición de Camilo.
Saludos Héctor
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Camilo's plane crashed into the ocean en route from Camaguey to Havana during an evening that had excellent weather conditions and visibly for flight? That's the "OFFICIAL" story that a Government ful...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 14:10:00 GMT