music, feeling great, meeting dope people, and of course.... living --- HA - live to be great! your body is your kingdom, and your persona is YOU!
Everyone and anyone... unless of course you plan on spamming my profile or posting comments where you're trying to sell something - just a little advice to those people out there - 'it's not what you sell, it's how you sell'
All music of any genre - yes, even country - whatever genre/style/electrical super-natural energy flow I feel - I just go with it - an open mind = a soulful experience = BLISS
There are too many to say - my favorite types – ALL - Kevin Spacey is my fav - now he knows how to act.. I've grow mad respect for Denzel Washington, Adam Sandler, and Dakota Fanning... damn, that little girl knows whas-up @such an early age... mucho energy baby!
the OFFICE - yeah - love it!
whatever I am into at that time or need to know about it - the very curious gal that I am