Badger with a gun profile picture

Badger with a gun

If you want to keep something private, then don't put it on the internet!!!!

About Me

Greetings everyone, the Fishforker here!Well, what can I say? I'm a strange man with strange tastes. Basically I'm a 6 ft, overweight (albeit, only slightly) mixed martial artist who enjoys the company of good friends, his great family who are all much more talented than I will ever be! I am also the author of the chronicles Captain Bovine Faeces and his many strange adventures. The Captain is a man who believes he is descendant of an alien race The fishforkians. Along the way he has many adventures, some by himself and some with his faithful and wise companion The Man of Mystery! The Man of Mystery has a talent for conjuring up strange forces that make people move in a peculiar way. He does this with the power of his Galactic weapon the key board. Both characters share there belief in the elixir of enlightenment (which they drink for inspiration and courage).This was handed down to them by the ancient master Lord Jack Daniels the 7th. You can read there adventures on my blogs. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them. If you know me, then drop me a line. If not, get fishforked!Crisbian
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My Interests

Mixed martial arts, baby!

I'd like to meet:

Tito Ortiz, Mat Hughes, Randy Couture, Chuck Liddel and Forest Griffin

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white Rose movement, A mountain of one, Portishead, Massive attack, Nina Simone, BB King, Pink Floyd, Underworld, Johny Cash, Keith Springham and many more...


Godfather trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Seven Samurai, Matrix Trilogy, LEON, Sin Eater, Star Wars Sectology and many more...


UFC, Stargate, anything Sci-Fi, Documentaries etc.


Ghost Force (Kenneth Connor)


Ernest Shackleton, Douglas Stirling, Rickson Gracie, Randy Couture, Falcon Scott

My Blog

The Tao of movement

Let your body be as strong as the mighty oak,Let your enemy be that of a rock,Let your soul not seek justification in your action,Let not be worried by winning or loosing,Let Nature take it's course.M...
Posted by Badger with a gun on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 08:02:00 PST

Lifes little mirror - solitudes poem

Am I cool? I think not. Am I talented? Probably not? Do I pose in front of the mirror? Good God, not! Am I loved? I don't know. Am I missed? I'd like to think so. Am I missed? I think no. Am I a burd...
Posted by Badger with a gun on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 05:14:00 PST

The Captain and the Man of Mystery in the performance of a lifetime

The air was thick with smoke, both from special effects and cigarettes. The lights rotated across the stage then over the audience. The speakers cracked and hissed, the microphone popped. Our two gal...
Posted by Badger with a gun on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 04:40:00 PST

Controlled reasons of apathy

I am the darkness, The darkness within. I am your fear, the absolution a living sin. Inside me is the rage, a fiery sun, a crashing sea, the volatile earth. I am the darkness, The darkness within. I ...
Posted by Badger with a gun on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 01:42:00 PST

Little Essex Chav Princess and the school trip Part 1

It was a Monday morning and for once the children from the local school were excited about coming in. The 15 to 16 year olds were going on a school excursion as part of there religious studies classes...
Posted by Badger with a gun on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 02:29:00 PST

Introducing the Chronicles of the Little Essex Chav Princess.

Not long ago, in a town near the sea. A little girl was born, full of sweetness and light. Then when she grew up and discovered boy bands and now its fishnet stockings and a full on fight. The bot...
Posted by Badger with a gun on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 07:10:00 PST

Captain Bovine Faeces and the Man of Mystery in the Quest

The sun was setting and the fiery hue was illuminating the sky to the onset of darkness. Our heroic duo were desperate, tired, confused, they had to find refuse soon! Lord Jack Daniels the 7th had no...
Posted by Badger with a gun on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 11:41:00 PST

Captain Faeces and the Divine intervention!

It had been a hard day for Captain Bovine Faeces. His life long associate The Man of Mystery had gone home for the evening, both of these heroes had earned there rest after a long day of saving the p...
Posted by Badger with a gun on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 03:29:00 PST

The Heroic rescue of Emily!

The shriek of the small child startled us all. "Emily is stuck, she can't get out. She's stuck, she's stuck, she's stuck". I turned to the Man of Mystery. This was a mission that only he could do, th...
Posted by Badger with a gun on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 04:52:00 PST

The horse of Diablo!

The Captain stood before the magnificent steed, he was proud to be seen with such a beast. He ran his hands over the taught muscular structure admiring every contour. The Captain grabbed the reins and...
Posted by Badger with a gun on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:19:00 PST