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Which fucked-up genius composer are you?
Shane MacGowan... unconsciously brilliant. You can intelligently debate any topic from theology, history, literature and philosphy... though only while you're out of your skull on booze.
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Iis forIrresistible
Gis forGeeky
Ois forOpenhearted
Ris forRefined
Cis forColorful
His forHelpful
Eis forEnergetic What Does Your Name Mean?
You Are Absinthe
You are a sloppy drunk, purposely so
If drinking doesn't make you feel crazy, it's not any fun
Truth be told, you tend to prefer drugs to drinking
But you'd never pass up any absinthe that came your way! What Alcoholic Drink Are You?.. --> --> --> --> --> --> START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS -->
What is your true element?

You are mean and don't take any crap from anyone! You like to have your way and don't like people annoying you. And if they do... you tell them and tell it straight out! You do have friends and the friends you have respect your boundries and so you enjoy having them around.

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Hehe ovaj je dobar :D

Jbg meni sad zanimljivo :)

Cuntry Boner

NAJJACA STVAR provali samo lika na sta se napravio!!!!!!!!!

Which Star Wars Jedi/Sith are you?
General Grievous
Are not quite Sith, are you? After all, there could be only two, but you do wield a very mean lightsabre, or should I say four? You are totally freaky too, mostly droid, but part living, and the cough and the walk are just terrifying. You’ve got an arrogance to fit an army, but you that’s not what brings you down. It’s the fact that you can’t really use the force that is your downfall. Poser!

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