Life, love, change, friends, family, self education, conscious business, and everything that's green.
The Avatars of the New Millennium!
ROGAN, Another Perception, DJ Es, Peter Mendel, Linkin Park, Jay-Z, 311, Sublime, Bob Marley, Black-eyed Peas, old-school Beastie Boys, Christopher Lawrence, and pretty much everything else.
The Secret ( is by far the most powerful, influential, and life-changing movie that I've ever seen.
It literally continues to contribute to my life, and the lives of my best friends, so much that I've made it my mission to teach the Law of Attraction to anyone who's seeking. Seek and you will find =)
And after you have found, go watch What the BLEEP.
"Quantum physics is not as crazy as you think. Quantum physics is crazier than you can think."
As a Communication graduate with a focus on mass media persuasion and influence, I now know that the media is crap. I've traded in my tv and my xbox for info that teaches the three most important things in life... you know... the three things that you'd never learn in college... Relationships, Wealth, and Life/Spirituality.
It's all good though -- there's a NEW Television station coming to town that's gonna change the TV paradigm forever. I promise.
Conversations with God (books 1-3), Ask and It's Given, Rich Dad Poor Dad, Think and Grow Rich, How To Win Friends and Influence People, The Science of Getting Rich, 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Manifest Your Destiny, One Minute Millionaire, Becoming A Person of Influence, Developing the Leaders Around You, Personality Profiles...
The Bible, The Torah, Mahayana Buddhism, The Qu'ran, Metu Neter, Self-Realization, The Bhagavad Gita, The Purpose Driven Life, A Course in Miracles, Essential Reiki, Signs and Symbols, Feng Shei, Cultural Creatives, Plants of the Gods, Your Hands Can Heal You, How to Read an Aura, Cracking the Millionaire Code, The Tipping Point, Conscious Evolution, Tantric Practice, The Magic of Thinking Big, Awaken the Giant Within, Networking with the Affluent, Eat that Frog, The Slight Edge, The Four Agreements, The Biology of Transcendence, As a Man Thinketh, The Greatest Salesman in the World, The Richest Man in Babylon, and WAY MORE!
Life (The Creator, All That Is, God, any of the other hundreds of names), my parents, friends, business partners and mentors: The Secret Crew, Mark Victor Hansen, Robert Allen, Paul J. Meyer and Anthony Robbins!