Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) profile picture

Krista (Uppsala, Sweden)

Hej Hej

About Me

Hello there,Well 'About me' I've been studying at Monash University doing an Arts degree since I finished @ MGSC in 2004. I am currently studying at Uppsala University, Sweden on a uni exchange program for the year. Sweden is beautiful, I'm having so much fun. Just finishing summer holidays, we have travelled around Europe. Croatia, Spain, Holland and where ever else the wind takes us. Spent 2 months ish in Iceland, volunteering amonge things. Soon semester two starts! I love the great outdoors, swimming, hiking, skiing and camping. I miss my loves back in Melbourne, my friends and family. I also miss my Chlo who is Ireland or travelling somewhere or other. And the other love in my life is Brentus but he is here with me so its all good! Anyway have a lovely day today and tomorrow! Love Krista/KJ/Kris/Kaje xxxoooEnjoy my little moving swedish flag..Create or get your
very own MySpace Layouts

My Interests

The people in my life, Shopping, parties, writing lists (more of an obsession), hiking, camping, skiing, swimming, uni, travel, gym, rovers.

I'd like to meet:

This is the second volunteer workcamp we did, helping set up, assist and pack up a huge crazy iceland festival. We also did some hiking.

European Summer Holidays!!! Croatia, Spain and then the Netherlands (but they scroll in the wrong order).I'll soon be doing this with Brent in the snow in Sweden....Here are some of the photos from our house in Uppsala. The parties, our lovely little room and I think a few of the view from our room. Enjoy!Me and the girls @ Varmlands..


Photos from our first volunteer workcamp in iceland in the beautiful Talknafjordur. There are also three photos of Blue Lagoon just outside Reykjavik.

Photos from my amazing (second) 21st birthday and our Aussie Party on the same night.We did a day ski trip up to Romme Alpin. Here are the photos - Such a great day!In the beggining of Feb 2007 I had the most amazing opportunity to meet up with two of my bestest friends in London. I'm so glad that I had this opportunity and this amazing exsperince. Here are the photos.Photos of the snow, I think you'll be able to guess from the photos that we are pretty excitied about it!My "early" 21st Birthday Party photos..I love coffee...

Hey lovelies, leave me a note becasue its fun! xxx
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These are some drunken pictures taken after a night out in Uppsala.My new Uppsala darlings.


Greys of course! And House and NCIS, Project runway.

My Blog

Iceland adventures

This is just the email that I sent around.. and becasue people keep asking were we are in the world I thought that id just update you. Hello from Iceland! I know that I havenĀ“t written to some o...
Posted by Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:02:00 PST

You no you have been in Sweden to long when you...

. ..> 1. It's acceptable to eat lunch at 11.00.2. You think Leif 'Loket' Olsson is entertaining. 3. You rummage through your plastic bag collection to see which ones you should keep to take to the ...
Posted by Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) on Sat, 12 May 2007 05:21:00 PST

My 21st Birthday, Valborg and an Aussie Party

My (second and real) 21st Birthday, Valborg, and an Aussie Party = One very drunken weekend... So it was my not so clever idea to hold our "Aussie Party" on the same night as my 21st birthday. Let me ...
Posted by Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) on Fri, 04 May 2007 07:21:00 PST

Russian Report

Road Trip to Russia #71 'The famous Easter trip'   As the name suggests we went to Russia overland and overseas. Basically the way we did it was three bus loads of international students from al...
Posted by Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 10:32:00 PST

Late Feb - Early March

School, College and Greek - do they fit into the same catogorie? I'm going well here - time is still flying by. Went out last night to Stockholm nation which is suppose to be the "posh" nation becaus...
Posted by Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 09:00:00 PST

Uppsala and London 23rd January - 9th Feb

9/2/2007   Hej Hej everyone, Sorry that I've been kind of slack in emailing people individually and keeping up to date this blog. It's difficult to no where to start. First of all, I hope you a...
Posted by Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 07:12:00 PST

Sweden 20th - 23rd

Hey guys, This blog isn't really about fashion, style and shopping - I'd like it to be but I can't afford shopping right now. I guess I'm really just writing this blog to give you all our new address ...
Posted by Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 09:04:00 PST

Sweden - 10th - 19th January

Hmmm, so I though that it was time to update the blog, because the last post that I did sounded totally domestic and boring. I guess were I left off we were at a bit of weird point in our adventure. W...
Posted by Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 10:00:00 PST

Sweden - 4th January till 10th January

Hello everyone, We are in Sweden and in our little flat about 5km out of Uppsla city. Its very new and with some candles and other tit bits it is slowly beggining to feel like home.. sort of. We arri...
Posted by Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 08:00:00 PST

UK - 29th December to 4th January

Hey - here is basically what went down in from Australia to the UK,   We arrived at Melbourne airport at about 10.00pm on the 28th December. After a tearful farewell we went though the gates to ...
Posted by Krista (Uppsala, Sweden) on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 10:43:00 PST