This profile is in no way connected to Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, the author of "Women Who Run With The Wolves". It is simply my attempt to share with other women the Life Saving Wisdom found in her book.
Had I not read it, it's very doubtful I would have returned entirely to my own "AM"-bition: being the real person my DNA meant for me to be.
What Dr. Estés shared between the covers of her book opened up The Fountain of "the underground stream" within me and brought life to every cell in my body - as being your true self is meant to do for every person ever born on the earth. Being our real selves literally creates the PHYSICAL-and-mental person that most of us never get to fully enjoy due to our Social Programming.
I would like to return the favor to Ms. Estés and help others do the same.
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