Thoughtful Questions...
Which TV family would you like to join? The Oblongs.
Three suitcases or one carry-on? I think I'll drive . . . you have to load me up on drugs to get me on a plane!
What superpower would you want to possess? Why? The ability to be smart and clever . . . . nah! I'll take invisibility for various reasons.
The movie or the book? Or the Cliffs Notes? The movie (I'll buy the book and pretend I read it).
If you started a treehouse club and could only invite three members, who would you pick? Jenna Jameson, Yoda, and Jesus.
What was your favorite subject in school? Why Lunch.
What are your three main goals in life? Raise a loving family, be at peace with myself, and find a job I love . . . . yes, I know, totally unrealistic!
What is your most missed memory? I don't remember . . .
If you could go back in time and change something, what would you change? Damn it, I already answered this! Prom night! I had a condom and everything . . . and yet nothing happened!
What one thing do you want most in this world? To live in a peaceful and just world . . . again, unrealistic.
How do you want to be remembered when you die? I'd be lucky if I was even remembered.
What is your proudest moment? Your most disappointing? Proudest: Obtaining a college degree / Disappointing: Realizing it took me 10 years to obtain it.
What do you fear most? Failing as a father.
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My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Jenna Jameson, Yoda, and Jesus . . . in that order.