Meh Nam Iz Tina
Im Bout 5'7
Got Dem Blue/Green/Gray Eyes
Taken By Dez ♥
I Had 2 Baby Gurls R.I.P. 7/18/08 ♥
Aaliyah Angelik Mayo 4:19 A.M. 12.8 Oz
Nevaeh Marie Mayo 4:45 A.M 14.9 Oz
Mommy & Daddy Will Always Love You
Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a random abnormality of a monochorionic placenta that causes one identical twin to receive less than normal amounts of blood supply during pregnancy while the other receives too much. The babies share blood vessels in their placenta that cause an imbalance of blood flow and nutrients between them. There are degrees to the severity of the syndrome, but it is always life-threatening due to the fact that it can worsen at anytime during pregnancy. Below is a summary of the difference between dizygotic (fraternal) and monozygotic (identical) twin pregnancies. TTTS can only happen with monozygotic twins, or as a pair in a higher multiple pregnancy, that share a single monochorionic placenta.
(Their Daddy Wrote Their Obituarie)♥ AALIYAH ANGELIK MAYO and NEVAEH MARIE MAYO ♥To our little angels: Aaliyah Angelik and Nevaeh Marie...Mommy and Daddy will always love and miss you. You were both a gift from God. It is sad and unfortunate that God took you both so soon. It's not fair but everything happens for a reason. It will never be the same without you. You will forever remain in our hearts... Your parents Tina Hodder and Desmond Mayo