Brian profile picture


If common sense was in fact common, don't you think more people would have some?

About Me

I'm 31, in a great relationship, enjoying life. Use to be a little wild, well I should say very wild. Now I just like to stay out of trouble and be with my woman. Lived right out side of Boston up until almost 7 years ago now I live in Louisiana the true dirty south. I'm pretty easy going very personable. Can pretty much fit in with any crowd any where.

My Interests

Reading, I read a lot of Mystery and pretty much anything else too. Like playing Tennis with my Girl, never much on sports, but not bad with a racket. Enjoy Paint Ball, White Water Rafting, Camping but haven't been in a while. Watch a lot of British Television. Also love to cook, love Chinese food, Indian, Sushi, Cajun, and pretty much anything spicy. FOOD IS GOOD! I also enjoy writing & drawing.

I'd like to meet:

People with same interests, that are not stupid. Stupid people make me angry. All around fun people.


I go back and forth, my favorite bands are Queen, E.L.O. Queensryche, Aerosmith. Also love Rap, Method Man being my favorite. Pretty eclectic don't like new Punk or Emo. Can enjoy Pretty much every thing else. One of my favorite albums is The Super fly soundtrack. Freddy's Dead is the Mother F*#!?%g jam. Got to love some OZZY!


Love anything action, huge Jackie Chan fan, Hong Kong action movies, Japanese Horror movies, and Hammer Horror movies all rock, big on James Bond, Alfred Hitchcock, Cary Grant is the man along with Jimmy Stewart and the Duke also love me some Chuck Norris it doesn't get much cooler.


Just about anything British, Dr. Who is the best show ever. Torchwood rocks. The Sweeney, Love P.B.S. Mystery,Jonathan Creek, Blackadder, Coupling, Red Dwarf, Men Behaving Badly, Life On Mars, Vicar Of Dibley, Father Ted, Benny Hill, Campion,Waiting For God, Burnnotice, Highlander, Drew Carey, My Name Is Earl, House , Scrubs, Family Guy, American Dad, Jeeves and Wooster, Inspector Morse, Buck Rogers, Diamond Geezer, The Invisibles, Only fools & Horses, Frost, Open All Hours, and Walker Texas Ranger, yeah I said it Walker!


Love pretty much all the James Bond books. Flemming and others. Love the new Dr. Who books. P.D. James is pretty good, Original Sin by her is great stuff. Ken Follet rocks, Ed McBain is an exciting easy read. Everybody should read Sherlock Holmes Hound Of The Baskervilles and at least a little Edgar Alan Poe. Just started getting into Robert Jordan good stuff.Revenge by Stephen Fry is too good for words and the Torchwood books were also good.


My Mom she was a tuff cookie, strongest person I ever knew. On a lighter note,Doctor Who although fictitious one could only strive to live by his standards. Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Samo Hung, and Mr. Chuck Norris I respect and admire them for their physical skills and they make me laugh and kick serious ass as well.

My Blog

Just having fun!

Enjoying the new job especially for the normal hours. I actually get to hang out at night now. This past Thur we went to Art Space in Shreveport where we perused art, ate snacks, & went on a trol...
Posted by Brian on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 08:19:00 PST

Happy Halloween!

Finally got a good job!! Better money & hours. I'm working @ Mrs. Baird's in Ruston. Other than that just been hanging out with The Meg our roommate Shane and occasionally our other friends. Last ...
Posted by Brian on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 03:19:00 PST

Boston/New Orleans trip & other random things Ive done recently!

Hello peeps! Well as usual busy! New job is pretty good could be better if I had more hours. Still trying to write and do art projects in my spare time. Meg got me a new digital camera wich is very ni...
Posted by Brian on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 01:27:00 PST

Too Busy!

Well what can I say, I've been too busy to My-Space of late. Been looking for a new job & found at least one that's local. If all goes well I should start the day after I get back from Boston...
Posted by Brian on Wed, 14 May 2008 07:57:00 PST

Easter in Dallas!

Again been very busy, thank you to every one who wished me a Happy Easter. Hope yours was great. I was in Dallas for mine, The Meg & I met her Mom there for some touristy, artsy, fun. We arrived o...
Posted by Brian on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 04:11:00 PST

Wow Time Flies!

Sorry it's been so long! As usual very busy, currently looking for a new job. I have about 15 years of sales and customer service behind me, go ahead you know you want to hire me. Anyway the Meg and I...
Posted by Brian on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 08:43:00 PST


It's been too long! I figured since we're getting close to the birth day of our dear Lord Baby Jesus, that I would wish every one a very Happy, Merry, Fun, & Safe Christmas!I've been so busy worki...
Posted by Brian on Sun, 23 Dec 2007 08:50:00 PST

Happy Turkey day!

Well that time a year again, tis the season to get fat! We've all ready had Faux Thanksgiving which I cooked, this consisted of Duck stuffed with honey glazed carrots. Sides of garlic mashed potatoes ...
Posted by Brian on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 10:08:00 PST

Copy Of My Rant Bulletin!

We all know, I loathe the stupid & the dimwitted. This is for them!1)I get a thrill out of watching people try to enter through a door by pushing when there's a big freaking sign that says PULL! I...
Posted by Brian on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 08:39:00 PST

Always up to something!

Last week Meg & I threw a Tapas Party which was great! We had lots of wine, & stuffed olives, peppers, tomatoes, sauteed mushrooms, pear slices wrapped in prosciutto plus tress leches cake. It...
Posted by Brian on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 09:28:00 PST