Bishop TD Jakes, Will Smith. Pastor Rudolph McKissick, Bishop Eddie Long, Pastor William Murphy.
J.T.'s Statements of Truth:-My MIND and my TIME are very essential to my success in life. If the devil has control of both, he has control of me. Romans 12:1-2. 2 Corinthians 10:5-6-Unless I am first a disciplined follower, I cannot disciple anyone else.-A REAL MAN does not have to speak, fight, or down others to prove that he is a man. A REAL MAN can be heard in silence.-I cannot expect to be RESPECTED if I don't learn how to GIVE respect to others.-The STRENGTH OF MY MANHOOD does not rest in how much MONEY I make. My real VALUE AND WORTH as a man rests in my relationship with God.-GREAT IDEAS not acted upon only become IDLE THOUGHTS.-If I only spend time with God when I NEED HIM, MY RELATIONSHIP with Him is shallow.-I cannot participate in activities contrary to my God ordained purpose and expect to meet my goals.-God wants us to walk by faith not by sight; however, many of us WALK BY SIGHT AND CALL OUR RELIGION FAITH.-To possess power, wealth and talent but lack godly wisdom is a deadly combination.-A life without JESUS IS THE ROOT OF ALL INSANITY.