Sean P. Curto profile picture

Sean P. Curto

About Me

I can Fly so can you!
Here is my music and personal page. Most of my music is instrumental and to supplement lyrics, I write new short thoughts that come to me here almost daily . I am now entering the realm of electronic music.
In time, I can truly love only in spirit.
~ Life, it has a mind of it's own.
~ there is no such thing as an old song to a new listener. 2-12-08 4:20 pm
~ if i don't lie to myself, it lessens the potential to lie to anyone else. 1-31-08 3:15 am
~ made to be? or be, to make. 1-31-08 2:27 am
~ creativity is power. 1-31-08 2:01 am
~priority is priority 1
~there is no such thing as computer illiteracy, just the choice not to learn.
~"our" world, is one 'y' away from "your", world
~what happens, happens,,,,,,again, but when? I can only say again.
~ dimensia dimensions aren't nessesarily 'dimented', they are unique mind experiences at the far ends in the spectrum of human of thought.
~ human conflict is part of our humanity as we know it. conflict lost, but not forgotten, can take us to a new humanity.
.~shit, i just forgot one. distracted by myspace video --rrrrr.. cool video though :-)
~there are 2 kinds of people and we are both of them at one time or another 10-06-2007 4:38pm.
~I guess we are like magnets. Having both positive and negaitive sides to us, we either attract or repel another depending on our respective and alternating polorization in a forth dimension.
~my fear of death is in that I won't be able to ImProve myself to my fullest ability in time.
~anger feels worse than sadness.
~hope is that strange happiness you feel in the midst of misery.
~Everything is focus and expansion. * = | + -
~ advise the wise.
~time is FOREVER, so we are too!
~ appreciation for one half comes from the weariness of the other.
~A slow learner might be quick to innovate.
~Every statement is a question, and every question is a statement.
~I seek out, seek in. I seek your opinion.
~music inpires me, lyrics influence me
~the word impossible only implies to quit believing tat anything is possible
~you won't run out of time if run into it.
~a nice surprise is no surprise if you wait for it.
~ 1 divided by any number, is still 1! think about it.
~Divinity is up to the interpreter
~ A belief is a truth only when there is no doubt it will not change.
~ beauty is beheld in the eye of the heart
~creativity is a self education in the scientific experimental realm of reality~
~No....thing, happens to by design for no, reason.
~Do our thoughts of others come from our minds, or a set of different places that we call, our heart ad soul?
~To say, and to tell, are not the same, just as hearing and listening aren't either.
~Hate is love in need of repair~
~when my heart stops, what is in it will not, and it's contents will be content.
~What people need, is sometimes what they don't..~ (Going out of our way to offer something, might sometimes be what we have to go out of our way not to offer.)
~ love is listening
~we all have built in time machine. Our decisions now will affectivly effect what will be become our past and our future.
~spiritualism heard and spoken is the quest to explain it. Spiritualism felt, IS, the explanation.
~ ideally, whom should we trust, God, ourselves, others? Or are they one in the same?
~every truth, (+), has a reciprocal truth, (-). Duality makes one!
~what YOU choose to learn, is all of OUR concern
~ begun, is half-done - author unknown. (one of my dads' mottos)"I'm a thousand miles from nowhere, Time don't matter to me. 'Cause I'm a thousand miles from nowhere, And there's no place I wanna be." ~Dwight Yoakam~
~there's a bit of everyone in all of us, and a bit of all of us in everyone. A whole galaxy of and in every one of us constantly on the verge of new awareness.
..~the fundamental nature of science proves the exisistance of spirituality.
I'm 35 surving 5 years of a brain tumor that's causing, seizures, partial right hand parlization and speech difficuties. Beyond that, for now, my bio will just be typed thoughts, ideas and phrases that i come up with and feel like entering here when I'm nearby. So, it will be a public philisophic diary and a place people can visit me when I'm done here. The kind of little thoughts I have all the time, with most of them forgotton before I write them down. I realize these ideas have probably been thought of by others, but I have found that at the very least, to hear something you agree or disagree on reinforces your opinion or belief. Better yet, when things are written from anothers perspective they can sway a change of heart. This is not my intention I see both ways which makes it so difficult to write about certain things. However I am firm on some contrversial issues. I don't like to write about those because I learn more about myself through both writing about inner mega anayzed conflicts in my head, and trying not to analyze but rather trusting in surprise.
Thought is skewed by an interpreters unique mind. Including one's own thought. Because of this, I've already formed additional and contratictory opinions to my own ideas, but here, I expose these ideas as they are born. As time moves on my mind probably will have a hard time leaving them as they are written, so if my views change, i might revise them here. After time I will see wich are longstanding, with me......?
With these thoughts, I try to make verbal sense of my world. The haze between affirmation and re-creation.
I want to elaborate one each of these thoughts and plan to write a myspace 'book' with my quotes as chapters in blog titles. It is a work in progress as of now. (well every now and then :)
~ trying to explain these thoughts i want to express, as they are understood BY myself is almost foolish. There is too much room for misiterpretation. However, that which is misinterpreted will lead to one's own creativity inspired by my attempt to explain something wich i cannot in their entirety.
It seems my emotions are the most active part of my awareness. They are actively sad with a touch of inspirational hope and happiness.

My Interests


Member Since: 06/09/2006
Influences: My emotions are my greatest influence. Music makes emotional sence, and emotions make musical sence.
Also things like seeing through my squinted eyelids with sunlight reflections bouncing off moving water below. Twinkeling through eyelashes and the warmth of the Sun simultaneously coming from the sky above and the water below.
Signal Path
Pnuma Trio
STS9 (Sound Tribe Sector Nine)
And all the music bro's I've played with in bands and jam sessions.
Techno, heavy funk, Thrash Metal, Electronica, hard rock, Ethereal, modern jazz synth sounds, a little country, some 80 pop, ......
There is just so much good music out here in space, that my influences are being influenced everytime hear a new song.
* The Fountain (2006)
* Pay it Forward
* Walk Out
* The Eye (the origional with subtitles translated from an Asian language

Sounds Like: A fractal image of my combined musical influences combined again with the nuances of my souls' timber

More of my music:

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

What crying used to do for us.

~ do we still not understand the purpose of how the mechanism of crying serves us? Is it a social survival mechanism that alerts others that someone is emotionally disturbed to the point in which the...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 08:49:00 GMT

What do you think of "The Gratuity Freedom Act" that I propose?

No company policy should deny either the employee or the customer that right to give or receive gratuities!Abolish Company Anti-Tipping Policies - The Gratuities Freedom Act.By Sean CurtoNo employer s...
Posted by on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 03:16:00 GMT

book heap

Posted by on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 01:41:00 GMT

Six days crossing a Mountain alone

..>..> ..> six days walking alone with a Mountain to appreciate the true difference between night and day,to seek the rhythm of the Universe,to be happy or content either in bordom or challenge,to ...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 00:33:00 GMT

My Art and Photography

~Waveform on a string~ This is my bass guitar with a captured waveform. I discoverd how to do this while playing guitar. Every once in a while when my eyes would quickly scan the neck to ju...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 21:32:00 GMT

My flying pipe dream

First, checkout this definition of a 'pipe dream' taken from wikipedia. A pipe dream is a fantastic hope that is generally regarded as being nearly impossible. The term derives from the mescaline pipe...
Posted by on Fri, 18 May 2007 09:01:00 GMT

More music -Live Improve Jams with with my bro's

Live Improv Jams with:Sean - DrumsRenaissance Man (Mike Radke - BassGuido Corloene (Chris Defsich) - Keys and the Mic.Recorded in late January 2007 out here at Safe Haven Studio, Arizona.All for fun!!...
Posted by on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 01:16:00 GMT