This site is dedicated to the creatures of this earth, whether human or animal friend, that I never knew and could not help to end their suffering. If I were God, there would be no excuse for it. My heart aches for you, that I could not save, everyday.
My life is dedicated to living an existance that causes no harm to fellow man or creatures alike in my words or actions.
Why am I Vegan? Because all life is sacred and animals are "the least of these", and completely at our mercy. My decision not to eat or use animal products is personal but a quest I wish more would take.
Likewise I attempt not to use products or take actions that harm or perpetuate the suffering of any people.
I choose not to ignore the suffering of any living thing to satisfy a desire of my own. I won't pick and choose what will be my pet and what will be my food. How arrogant to believe I have that right, just because I have that power.
All people and creatures are precious. One of the greatest traits of humanity are those that realize the value of each life and treat it accordingly, even if that life does not realize its own existential value.
What I can't understand is why my non-voilent choice to be vegan is met with such opposition.
I don't owe this world any explaination for my decisions based on kindness and compassion not to mention good health for me and for all.
I thought deeply about my life. I searched my soul and what the truth may be. I came to write three life standards for myself. I strive to live by them, always measuring what I do against my words of living:
Never overpower anything just because I can.
Always leave things better than when I found them.
Protect and defend what is meeker than myself.
Love one another.
What is Vegan?
The word "vegan" (pronounced 'VEE-gan') originated from a British man named Donald Watson who had wanted an appropriate name to describe what a vegan eats, as distinguished from other types of vegetarianism. He called his newsletter "The Vegan News" and described veganism as "the practice of living on fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains, and other wholesome non-animal products." Veganism is a subset of vegetarianism. Watson was born on September 2, 1910 and lived to be 95 years old. He died on November 16, 2005.
A vegan diet consists of plant-based foods. It excludes dairy, eggs, honey or any animal ingredients. Vegans also don't wear leather, fur, wool, silk, or other products made from animals.
Other dietary alternative definitions:
Raw foodism Food from all food groups, heated to temps below 120 degrees F
Raw veganism Fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains and legumes
Raw vegetarianism Fruits, vegetables, sprouts, seeds, grains, legumes, dairy, eggs, honey
Fruitarianism Fruits, nuts, seeds, and sometimes sprouted grains and legumes
Why Go Vegan?
Because there is plenty to eat without eating flesh meat or taking an animal's milk. Because there is plenty to use without killing animals for their body parts.
More about me: