[^Reezal^]®™ profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Tiny Profile by MsMods.comExtended Network Banner made with MyBannerMaker.com! Click here to make your own!MoHd AzReEzaL AbDuL [email protected]+PaKiStAn20 years oldBezday 06 NOVfirstly,I liKe t0 jokE aRouNd, aNd haVin fUn... As f0r riGht n0w I haVe beEn MovIng ar0unD a lot, aNd jUsT tRy t0 Get thE ThiNg wE aLl cAlL liFe on tRack... Als0 i likE t0 meEt neW pe0pLe iT keEps thIng fResH. I've f0unD oUt I d0nt liKe pe0plE thAt nEed an oVer abUndanCe of atTention(I meAn F^*K whAt the heLL)... Also I haVe f0unD thE oNly waY to kEep yoUr heAd, iS uP... WE aLL haVe are daYs, bUt I liKe to keEp thE nuMbeR of baD dayS d0wn, s0 juSt haVe fuN,aNd lEt aLL Go aNd hAve a grEat dAyS.... ;PSaY iT...

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone and i don't care who people u r...


" "..


-My self-