I like to live. Living is so much fun. You get to do cool things, go to nice places, see awesome sites, and have experiences that are quite possibly unique to you. It’s hot, it’s sexy, it’s scary… it’s LIFE!
Meeting people umm… is not really something I think about. I know that there are several authors I’d probably scream at meeting, and I’m not going to say that if I walked across an actor/actress or singer that I adored I wouldn’t gush all over them in some fashion or form. Hopefully that particular scene will be in my head rather than in a public space since I don’t think my self-esteem could handle the cops being called over something so trivial as enjoying some person’s job. And… there are a lot of dead people in the world that I can’t meet so, yeah. I like meeting up with my friends, that’s fun. And cool people too.
Music is a big part of my world. There is currently a theme song in the works for me, thank you Kyle, you’re very sweet for that. Anyway, I listen to music, a lot of different artists, different genres, etc. Most of the music I listen to is off of soundtracks because I also watch movies and I’ll think the music is good and be like “I want the soundtrackâ€. The process continues beyond that but we won’t go there. I also play piano. I used to be tolerable but a year and a half without my piano has diminished my skill. I just need to practice some more. I like having music, it moves my world.
I like these too. They’re pretty good half the time, horrid about an eighth of it, and the rest are either unseen or just okay. I love, Love, LOVE The Punisher and Serenity. My current addiction is Enchanted, which will die out fast, but that’s okay.
I’m not really big on watching TV just because I am not a fan of a lot of the shows that are on. If I watch TV it’s a lot of Discovery Channel. I have favorite shows though, that people turn me on to, such as House, Heroes, and Firefly.
Books are just about as big in my life as music. I won’t go upstairs to count how many books I have but I believe it’s around 300. It’s an addiction, to be quite honest. Most times I’ll have a book with me merely because you never know when you’re going to find the chance to read. I love several series like Sherrilyn Kenyon’s and J.R. Ward’s. I absolutely ADORE, I mean to the point I’d probably own foreign language copies of these books, by Maria V. Snyder. I like the short Sharing Knife series by Lois McMaster Bujold, Robin McKinley’s The Blue Sword and The Hero and the Crown. Harry Potter series is good, but who hasn’t said that? Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause along with the vampire series by Amelia Atwater Rhodes, but those books are really more for teenagers and I haven’t read in a while but I definitely put on the list. Ella Enchanted is my favorite pre-teen book, by Gail Carson Levine. She has a few other good books as well for kids. There are a ton more but I’ll stop there.
My mother is one of my greatest heroes. I regret the fact that it took her death for me to realize that, but there it is. My friends are also my heroes. They have had to conquer over trials in life that I haven’t gone through and there are more than a few times I wonder how I would have survived living such a time in my life and I can’t. My friends are strong and they help keep me strong.
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