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candace marie


About Me

cuddling. rain. VW vans. life. music. creativeness. giggling. chinese. japanese food. eyes. being in tune with Gods will. honesty. making things. sponatneous guys. accents. roughing it. backpacking. working at summer camps. worshiping. teaching. impacting. loving. reading. reflecting. swimming. skimboarding. snowboarding. buying things. guitars. piercings. mexican food. morals. canoeing. spontanious anything. hockey players. laying in a field. cookies. gelato. Jesus. timmyhoes. flipflops. friends. watching people. randomness. laughing. wintertime. sunglasses. musicians. having money. respectful guys. coconut. greek food. being held. having plans. hockey games. sleeping. drivingaround. spending money on frends. pinacoladas. music. hockey. being a geek. warmth. feeling purdy wen ur all dressed up. cold. giving. christmas. intelligent guys. mexico. creationfest. family guy. camping. hearing iloveyou. vanilla. clothes. soccer. learning. interesting people. suntanning. hockeyplayers. being inspired. being motivated. goods melling shampoo. Edmonton Oilers. poweroutages. music. innocence. Africa. Italy. perfum. coconut body lotion. snow. italian food. europe. thunderandlightning. tans. players. driving. beautiful people. dancing. socks. greek food. summertime. sleepovers. fun. parties. laughing till it hurts. doing hair. stars. staying up late to talk. chocolate. tea. old old horror movies. old classic movies. late nite walks. youth. blue eyes. staying awake because i cant get you outa my head text.
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My Interests

photography, hanging with friends, playing music, singing, road trips, laughing, smiling, swimming in creeks, camping, Jesus, soccer, hiking, laying in a field and looking at the stars, talking till 4am, walking with no destination, playing games, painting, VW vans, the beach, campfires, lakes, missions, africa, italy, CANADA, north america, traveling, learning new things, go karting, worshiping, praying, drawing, white carnations, people, kids, some animals, being creative, making jokes,mud sliding, creation, writing, being passionate, taking a stand for something.going to germany. :o)

I'd like to meet:

my future husband.


jack johnson,Copeland,mercy me,Keane, audio adrenaline,dashboard, chris rice,jars of clay,Postal Service,Doubting Paris, lifehouse,Death Cab For Cutie, our lady peace, creed, shawn mcdonald,Yuca,Coldplay,Bright Eyes,Coheed and Cambria, the killers, hot hot heat,Dashboard Confessional,the used,anberlin,jimmy eat world... hhmm.. i like lots more. pretty much up for any type.


um... good ones...


i dont really watch tv... but when i do it's always TLC! woo!! friends, gilmore girls (oooh heidi! lecture phase nights)


first of all... the bible . and lots of other books like captivating (john and staci eldridge[sp?]) Blue Like Jazz, Life of Pi.i just like a good read on the top of a mountain or on a nice beach. call me a bookworm... i dont care!


biggest super hero ever... JESUS and my mom and brother.

My Blog

watch out or ill hit you with my bike!!!!

ahh, alas... an update! well well well..where do i begin? well my time in berlin was wonderful. took the 6am train, got on a broke down.,, got on another one..finally got to the airport and f...
Posted by candace marie on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 05:14:00 PST

berlin to amsterdam

this will be just a quick little update. maybe ill evern write more tonight if the internet is fast enough. I AM IN AMSTERDAM. yeesh. berlin was amazing . i loved every moment of it. every moment. ...
Posted by candace marie on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:49:00 PST

from vancouver to frankfurt to berlin

first blog from europe. ... stoked!so i will start from my departure.we got to the airport pretty early. so we had a few hours to get some coffee, sit and talk and then grab lunch before i head onto m...
Posted by candace marie on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 04:15:00 PST

from vancouver to frankfurt to berlin

first blog from europe. ... stoked!so i will start from my departure.we got to the airport pretty early. so we had a few hours to get some coffee, sit and talk and then grab lunch before i head onto m...
Posted by candace marie on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 04:15:00 PST

in case you didn't know....

IM LEAVING!   yes...again. i will be helping out at a christian hostel in AMSTERDAM for approximately 3 months. I return home JUNE6. if you wanna know more details about this crazy wonderful sus...
Posted by candace marie on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:21:00 PST


im scared. im nervous. im anxious im excited. im apprehensive.     but most of all, im scared....
Posted by candace marie on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 09:03:00 PST

chasing squirels

from my window you can see all the trees behind my house, and everything that happens in them. For the last 8 minutes i sat here in my chair, listened to music and watched one squirrel chase the other...
Posted by candace marie on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 12:48:00 PST

i miss this...(pictureblog)

this is where we would have the FEED in byron. every thursday we helped a local church feed up to 500 backpackers!!! this was my house. well, not just mine... there was 15 of us in there. cute. i re...
Posted by candace marie on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 02:01:00 PST

fraser valley blessing

this weekend has been good. a good weekend i must say. friday i worked from 12-4 and then went to youth group, and sple to all the youth. mostly about my trip but an added message. heh. it went good....
Posted by candace marie on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:53:00 PST


do you start your blogs with a title, or add the title after once you have finished you blog. i finish it first. recently someone asked me "when are you going to start doing something wtih your life?...
Posted by candace marie on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 01:38:00 PST