He leaned over & kissed me. I kissed him back & then, our eyes met & it was like we both knew… So we smiled & kissed again. It was so perfect.
he means the world to her
&& doesn't even know it.
he looked at me & said,
"do you ever feel like you're working
for something you're never going to get?
you shoot-&-miss kind of deal.
like, no matter what, you can't have it,
but that makes you fight for it just a little bit more?"
i looked at him, stared at him for a second,
& replied, "everyday…"
even if you & her are together, I guess that won't change us right?
We'll still be friends, We'll still laugh together..
We'll still smile at each other are friendship will still be there,
& we'll be ok..won’t we?
Isn..t if funny how day-by-day
nothing changes, but then when
you look back, everything is different
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