Can you tell I love the beach?? Swimming, water, skiing( haven't been in a while), singing at church, being with my family, hanging with my best friends...I love music, love the kids... all ages... Yes, I love sports... I understand basketball better than football... but I like football too....
I WISH I COULD HAVE MET TUPAC! I would love to meet Alicia Keys too!
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I LOVE MUSIC..... MUSIC TO ME CAN MOVE YOUR SPIRIT AND ALLOW YOU TO HEAR HIS VOICE. MUSIC is so powerful, that is why we must protect/cover our eyes and ears with His Holy word. Its your food, your hope, your faith and your deliverence.
Love movies... The Godfather's 1,2 and 3 is favorite!
HOUSE right now is my favorite show and What Not to Wear! LOL!
Jesus Christ... for without Him, nothing else in my life would be possible.
- Get Your Own
I am still a work in progress!