Spinja King 2.0 profile picture

Spinja King 2.0

I am here for Friends

About Me

Spinjas 2.0 is HERE!!!!......
Song of the week: The Great Divide (In This Moment)
Quote of the week: "Probate - not prostate you IDIOT!!!..."
Drink of the week: 2 much blaaaa
Random survey question of the week:
Q : Who's laid off?
A : MEEEEE!!!!!!!!
Pic of the week:
Vid of the week:
Last cd purchased: Static - X : Cult of Static
Last DVD purchased: W13 : Fuck it - let's do it LIVE
Last movie went to see: Knowing
Last movie watched: Witchboard : Bunshinsaba
What's in my CD player right now?
Monster Magnet : 4 Way Diablo
Last Concert: Static - X @ Harpo's!! (4/24/09)
Next Concert: Manson / Slayer / BFMV !!! August?
Well Static X kicked ass for my Bday. I'm still sore 3 days later and had wayyyy 2 much to drink! The pit was nuts but nobody got hurt. We lost Jim though. Tony gave missa a pick. Think I'll lay off the drinking for a while after that one.... serious.
In This Moment did a great show at the Hayloft. Never been there before and it was much better than I expected. $7 Jagerbombs is not cool but it's OK when you do 4 in the car before you go in!! Their set was only 8 songs but they were all good. They played more at the Emerald last year and this show was wayyy better. Maybe Emerald has a shitty sound system? Anyone? Mr Bink finally came to a show with us... and Carley was there... kind of. haha. Oh welllll - My fat agression has again been released. Gonna build up for 5 weeks now until DOPE!!!
W13 Rocked!!!! (Of course he did). The Devil was there... He went stage diving. And the Zombie had to hold the umbrella for "I love to say FUCK" because W13 is once again a quartet so Wednesday had to play guitar. What happened to Acey this time??? A new record of 13 JAGERBOMBS made the night a little blurry but at least we didn't get stuck in the muddy snow trap before the show. That was close. Nobody wants to be stuck in the snow in Detroit after dark!!! I got 2 new Wednesday shirts, the Bloodwork EP and the Fuck it - let's do it live CD/DVD... along with a 2 day hangover. Missa got a broken drumstick which I am sure she will cherish for years to come. And I just found out that Static X and Saliva are going to Harpo's together on 4/24!! (Friday) My Bday is 4/26 so there's my celebration spot FOR SURE!
The New Year of concerts begins TONIGHT with Wednesday 13!! What a romantic way to spend Heart Day. This fucking cat just bit my foot.

My Interests

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My Blog

Spinjas 2008 Championship. Updated 5/05/09 (Final 2)

Down to the Championship Matchup!!!Just remember that Shotgun made it to the finals last year.2/4/09 - Still pulling for Sloth!  1/15/09 - Go SLOTH (Blue Eyes) !!!  The only sloth left!!  12/28/08 - G...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 12:30:00 GMT

Spinjas 2007

Congrats to the champ : KING DETHBLO  
Posted by on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 02:11:00 GMT