I'd like to meet:
Arna Mer Khamis; Nelson Mandela,Mohammed Ali,INGRID BATTENCOURT,Richard Branson,LUPE FIASCO; Salim Remi; Quincy Jones,N*E*R*D,Prince,Maya Angelou; Margaret Thatcher; Oprah Winfrey;Members of the G8 Summit;Mumia Abu Jamal;Martin Luther KIng,Benazir Bhutto, Bob Marley,Rosa Parks;Josephine Baker,Queen Elizabeth the first,Elizabeth Pankhurst,Diana,Ghandi;Malcolm X, Peoples Princess,Cleopatra the Queen,Mummy Grant.In all honesty as long as I can touch some hearts,dry some tears,and make a positive DIFFERENCE; doing what I do, through Music, Art, Film ; I will be happy whom ever I meet.Love BeLLa xxx