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MEOWWW!! Well let me see...I'm a 5 year old cat! I was born a couple days before Christmas! And man do I LOVE my life! My mom says that I am spoiled! And she also says that I am so cute that I should be on the cover of "Cat Fancy" magazine!Anyways...Let me tell you a little bit about my home life! I have a mom...she luvs me to death! She feeds me everyday, makes sure my bathroom is clean (cuz if not I'll use her floor, and man does she hate that)She also gives me tuna (when I'm in the mood) Ohhhh and MILK, PURRRRR, I love milk. All I have to do is MEOW to my mama and she puts down a bowl of it for me! And I get ALOT of attention! My mom loves for me to lay with her and pet me! I have 3 (human) sisters...they bother me sometimes, but mom usually tells them to leave me alone! And I have a (h)cousin! Me and him fight alot! He is always messin with me man...I don't do nothin to that lil boy, and he just comes up to me a tries to pull my hair! My mom & Aunty yell at him though! My mom says that I am a good cat....because I take soooo much crap from my sisters and cousin! Which is true, I usually am pretty laid back and I don't let the kids bother me too much!I got a good life!! I do what I want when I want! I get whatever I want! I sleep all day long! I get taken care of 24/7! And I'm treated like a King! Who could ask for anything better?!?For Cats Only
whats your name? BooBoo
How did you get your name? My Grandma
what's your birthday? December 22, 2000
How many lives do you have left? 9....I'm not a real risk taker!
Are you spayed or neutered? Neutered.....yeah I know!!
what color are you? White with black spots
Short hair or long hair? Short hair
Who's your best friend? My brother......Rico
How many hours of beauty sleep do you get a day? ALOT
Favorite place to nap? Everywhere....on top & under my moms bed, the couch with my mom.
Are you an indoor or outdoor cat? Indoor
What is your favorite food brand? Meow Mix is my normal, but my mom just started to get me Iams.
what is your favorite toy? Any & Every bug!!
who is your hero? Catwoman & My Mommy....they are both very "strong" women.
Do you like talking pictures ? Oh yea.....can't u tell!
Do you get along with dogs? Uhhh.....kind of, I gotta get used to them first.
Who would you like to meet? The Pussy Cat Dolls, & Garfield!
What's your favorite kitty treats? Tuna and any Meow Mix treats
What is favorite pet store? Petsmart
Do you like going to the vet? No....I hate it!
Have you ever been to jail AKA Animal shelter? Nope!!!
Who is your favorite human? My mommy & my grandma!
How many brother and sisters do you have?what are their names? My (cat) brother Rico, and my 3 little (human) sisters Alisa, Maia & Lily
Describe yourself with one word? SPOILED
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